Thursday, December 31, 2009

Its Tradition...

Have you ever stopped and wondered why we do some of the things we do? There are many things we do just because we have always done them. Like black eyed peas and hog jaw on New Year's Day. I don't know why, but I can remember growing up we always had that for supper on New Year's day. I still don't know why, maybe someone can educate me as to why that is the meal to eat on that day.

In our society we have lots of things like that. Think about it, Turkey and dressing on Thanksgiving, singing carols at Christmas, giving candy and flowers on Valentine's Day, and watching fireworks at the Independence Day just to name a few. Those are all pretty well known traditions, but we all have tons of our own. For example, Missy, Isaiah and I always celebrate Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve, and with her side of the family on Christmas day. At my family reunion each year in June, we will play guitar and sing old hymns. Every year at midnight on New Years Eve for the past 11 years I have kissed my wife. But have you ever wondered, "Why?" All these traditions are actually quite special. They are there usually to help us remember certain things. Like how the pilgrims and Native Americans made peace, how Jesus came from Heaven to become God with us, how a bishop helped two lovers by exchanging gifts between them, or how we celebrated becoming a nation. For our personal traditions, they hold a special meaning, too. Like how we would celebrate Christmas with my grandparents on Christmas Eve, how my Uncle and grandmother would always want to sing hymns at the family reunion, and how I promised my wife that I would only kiss her on New Years Eve till death do us part.

Jesus understood this. He knew at the last supper, the last meal He would share with His closest friends, that He wanted not only them, but everyone to remember who He is and what He was doing.

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: on the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said, "This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me."

In the same way He also took the cup, after supper, and said,
"This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

May God bless you in this new year. May you seek Him more each day, and may you find what you seek.

In Christ,
jon walton

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

From all of us, Missy, Isaiah, and myself, Merry Christmas. May you and your family be blessed this year. May you grow closer to Jesus in your everyday life. May you seek the Lord's will and find the adventure He has for you. May you bless others with your abundance. May you be given a heart of love for those who surround you and those who have less than you. May you represent Christ Jesus in your actions, words, and thoughts. May you remember why those who believe on the Lord celebrate this time of year. May you praise the name of Jesus!

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Little Eyes Are Watching...

If you have met me, ever read this blog, or heard me speak you know that I have a 5 year old son named Isaiah. You would also know that I love him dearly. He is starting to do some new things that make me really happy. For example, a few Sundays ago, he came to me with his face just beaming with joy. As he approached me he said, "Look Dad! I'm dressed just like you!" Then he noticed that his shirt was tucked in and mine wasn't. As quick as he could he untucked his shirt(to his mother's joy I'm sure) and stated, "NOW I'm dressed JUST like you!" How can you not hug him after that? Someone not long ago pointed out something about Isaiah as well. As he was following me down the isle for KidStuf one Sunday morning, I heard someone behind us laughing. I turned around and asked what was so funny. The lady said through her laughter, "He walks just like you!" I didn't even know I had a specific walk.

I notice it in his actions, too. Many times he will ask me, "Dad, what are you eating for supper? I want that, too!" Or, "Dad, can I play my guitar with you?" My interests are becoming his interests. He wants to do the things I want to do. He is watching my every move and copying me. Whether he likes it or not, he is becoming like me.

Fathers and sons tend to do that. That is probably why Jesus used terms people were familiar with. Jesus was(is) just like God. In fact, the way they act, talk, and the things they do are almost identical. Much like a Son imitating his father.

Then Jesus replied, "I assure you: The Son is not able to do anything on His own, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does these things in the same way."
John 15:9

If you want to know what God is like, look at the life of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. Look at his life from humble birth in a manger to the resurrection from the tomb, He is just like His father.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Am Thankful...

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have been thinking about just how blessed I am. God has given me much more than I deserve.

I am thankful for my incredible wife. She encourages me when I am tired, cheers me up when I am sad, brings me back down to earth when my head is in the clouds, hugs me when I am depressed, cries with me when I mourn, and is always at my side. She strives hard to be a Biblical wife. She is my helpmate, my desire, my love, my support, and even at times my protector. I am thankful for my wife.

I am thankful for my son. His laugh can bring joy to the most rainy day. His playfulness allows me to be 5 years old again. He depends on my wife and I for food, clothes, shelter, and love. What he doesn't realize is the joy it brings us to give him his needs and show love to him. God has taught me more about Himself through my son in the past 5 years than I had learned about God the first 23 years of my life. I am thankful for my son.

I am thankful for my church. Crossroads, I have been with you for 3 years this coming Easter. You have welcomed me and my family in, nurtured us to grow, and been a source of support when we need it. You have given me the opportunity to begin to fulfill God's call on my life to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do my best to give the youth a firm foundation on which to stand. You are truly a people who are about the business of Christ Jesus. To the close friends I have made on whom I have called for advice, help, guidance, and friendship, an extra thanks. I am thankful for my church.

Most of all, I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Your love, I would be lost. Without Your mercy, I would be punished. Without Your grace, I would have no hope. Without Your blood, I would be condemned. I am thankful for my Savior.

May God bless you, your family, and friends this year. May you seek Jesus Christ as you make your way through this life, and as you seek, may you find.

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, November 20, 2009

Available To All.

I live in a very rural area. In fact, besides family the closest neighbor I have is about a mile away. It is a great place to live, its quiet and beautiful. We have lots of room for the kids to play, ride our ATV's, camp out, and generally enjoy God's creation. We don't have to worry about the neighbor looking in our windows or getting too close to our yard, it is pretty peaceful where we live.

However, I do have one complaint: There is no access to high speed internet where I live. Does that sound crazy? I thought everyone had that access! For crying out loud, there is even high-speed WiFi offered on airplanes flying thousands of miles above us! Never the less, no high speed option(except for satellite which will not work with what I want) is available to me. Why? Because there is not enough demand for it in my area. The houses are too far apart, it would be too difficult or take too long for a company to make money running the lines or setting up the equipment to make it available. Bummer.

Is Jesus like that? Did Jesus say, "Sure I'll give my life as long as at least 10 million people will accept me."? Did Jesus say, "Sure you can go to heaven, as long as you complete enough good works."? Did Jesus say, "When enough people are ready, then I will allow salvation."? Absolutely not! In fact, Jesus' desire and the truth is the direct opposite!

The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.
-2 Peter 3:9

"Thank you Jesus, that your salvation is available to all. You do not restrict your coverage. Your love knows no boundaries. You are available to all."

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, November 13, 2009

My First Ministry...

I have the opportunity to preach this Sunday again and with that comes preparation time. I know of pastors and preachers that get up in front of a congregation without notes or even really preparing a sermon, yet when they preach it is good and from God. I think that is awesome that they can do that, but God doesn't work that way for me. I'll just be honest, I start preparing the minute I know I am going to be preaching.

As I was preparing for this sermon, I kept getting interrupted by various things. First off, I have been sick for a week now. I hate being sick. Not only have I been sick, but Missy(my wife) and Isaiah(my son) have been as well. Its nothing that bad, but I can bet that the stock market value on tissues have gone up this week. Seriously, the trash can looks like the Kleenex factory exploded! Missy is going back to school for her master's degree which means I am taking care of Isaiah as much as possible so she can study and go to class. As I am reading, taking notes, and looking up the meanings of words last night, my son says, "Dad, will you play Xbox with me?" A few games later I tell him, "I really need to study now." He plays for a bit by himself, then asks, "Dad, can you play Lego's with me?" A few built airplanes and cars later I am back to studying. I check the clock, 8:00pm. "Isaiah, time for your bath" I told him as I got up heading to the bathroom to start the bath water. After his bath and I got him to bed, I was ready to buckle down and finish out my sermon. That's when Missy walked in from class, her head sunk low. She came in and started to tell me about her day. I glanced at the clock as she started, 9:30pm.

It was about that time I remembered something that Dr. David Jeremiah had said. He was trying to finish a book and faced a series of interruptions similar to mine. His son wanted to play catch and David told him, "Not now, I need to finish this, there is a deadline coming up." His wife, overhearing the conversation came in as his son left and told him, "David, there will always be another deadline to meet, sermon to prepare, or book to write, but your son will only be 13 for one year, then it will be gone." David's prayer has stuck with me ever since I heard it, and I silently prayed it while Missy told me about her day:

"Dear God, help me. Let me not put anything before my first ministry ever again. My first ministry is my family."

Are there relationships in your family that are broken? Have you been putting other things before you family like work, play, or even yourself? Now is the time to start repairing your first ministry. Now is the time to make your family your first ministry. They need you and you need them. Don't let them be last in line.

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, November 6, 2009

No, No, Don't Do That.

Yesterday I called up a friend and invited him out to lunch. To my surprise, when we got ready to pay he said, "I got this." My natural response was the same when I have offered to buy his, "No, no, don't do that."

This is an odd custom we have in America. Maybe it's just in the south, i'm not sure, but this refusal of a gift. It's weird when you think about it. Why are we so hesitant, or even standoffish, when someone wants to do something nice for us? I think it comes from the feeling of "If they do something nice for me, I HAVE to do something nice for them." When did that start? I thought a gift was something FREELY given. When I went to Brazil on a mission trip a few years ago, one of the things they told us was, "If someone offers you something, do not refuse it. Take it and say 'Thank you.' The take offense to someone refusing a gift."

This Sunday we are putting our Faith into Act!on. We are canceling our 11:00 AM service and serving the community. We will be handing out food boxes, cutting hair, giving medical exams, and more. I can promise you no one showing up for help will be saying "No, no, don't do that." These people will be taking everything we are willing to give. You know what the incredible thing about that is? When we give because of the love we have for Jesus, we are the ones who get blessed. So many people don't get that, but when you do you start looking for ways to help others out.

May your gifts be given freely with no expection of something in return. And may others bless you without your refusal.

In Christ,
jon walton

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Should I Pray for Myself?

Someone recently asked me a question that I think everyone who has accepted Jesus as their Savior asks themselves at one point or another: Should I pray for myself? In fact, here is the exact question:

"I notice going thru storms I pray a lot for myself. Is that selfish and do I show a lack of faith when I pray for myself?"

The short answer is, no, it is not selfish in the least to pray for yourself, nor do you show a lack of faith. Let's look at Paul, I would think he was pretty strong in his faith.

Paul not only prayed for himself, but even asked others to pray for him. When Paul was given the thorn in his flesh, he says he pleaded with God three times to remove it. (2 Cor. 12:7-10) That sounds a lot like someone praying for help in a storm. There are also several times when Paul requests prayers for himself:

Romans 15:30; Ephesians 6:18-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2; 2 Corinthians 1:11; Colossians 4:2-4

So, does asking for prayer, or praying for yourself show a lack of faith? I would actually say the opposite. The fact that you are asking shows a GROWTH in faith! By asking for help in your time of need, you are telling Jesus "I trust You." You are casting your cares on Him, and imploring Him to be your source of strength. No, by asking for Christ's help you are not in any way showing a lack of faith.

Maybe the most telling truth that we SHOULD pray for ourselves is the fact that Jesus Christ, who we are following, prayed for Himself. Just before his crucifixion, He prayed that God would take the cup from Him if possible. (Luke 22:39-44) But as He prayed, He became more in anguish and prayed even harder. I would think that Jesus, knowing what He was about to face, was praying for courage, strength, and the will to follow through with such an incredible task. If our Lord saw it fit to pray for Himself, shouldn't we?

In Christ,
jon walton

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Took a Bite Out of My Keys...

I hate being rushed. Being busy is fine and having lots to do is fine, but being rushed just puts me on edge and kinda stresses me out. You know what I mean. When people say, "I need this yesterday!" or "Hurry up!" I like to do things on my time. I want to do things well and be able to think about what I am doing, not have to make quick decisions and more than likely the wrong one.

I was in a hurry one morning recently. I had overslept and was trying to get everything done and still get to work on time. I was getting my son ready, packing his lunch, packing my lunch, getting my things for work, and neither one of us had eaten breakfast yet. I told him to buy his breakfast and I put a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster for me. I gathered up everything, grabbed the toast as it popped up and headed out to the truck. After putting my son and all the stuff in the truck, I grabbed my keys out of my pocket as I rushed to make my way to the driver's seat. I sat down, took a bite out of my keys and shoved my toast into the ignition. I hate being rushed.

I am so glad that the God I serve is never rushed. He never oversleeps, He never gets in a hurry, He never has to make last second decisions. His plan is being carried out just as He set it up. He is never surprised by anything, never caught off guard, and He never has to jump to a conclusion. I am glad to put my trust in the God that has it all under control and is allowing everything to happen in His time.

There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven.
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

In Christ,
jon walton

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Orange or Red?

We usually go out to eat on Sundays for lunch after church with friends, family, or just about anyone who will come. I love being around people, talking, and finding out about people and what is going on in their lives. It is just enjoyable to me and my family to get to know people on a deeper level than just "Hi, how are you?"
As we were getting ready to leave the restaurant at one such occasion, my son began asking, "Dad, do you have any money?" He wanted quarters for the turn machines with small toys or candy in them. "No, I don't buddy" I said checking my pockets, "but you really don't need anything do you?" Not being detoured by my comment he turns to the other source of happiness in his life available, "Mom, do you have any money?" I heard him ask as they walked to the door and I waited in line to pay. After paying for the food, I meet them at the door, my son had a handful of candy. "I got bones, dad!" he explained with enthusiasm showing me all his candy shaped like dog bones. " We stood and talked a bit more as we were saying our goodbyes to our friends, then went to our respective vehicles. It was at my truck where my son amazed me again.
"Orange or red, dad?" my son said pretty randomly as I was opening the truck door for him to get in. "Orange." I said simply because it was the first thing that popped into my head. Smiling, my son handed me a tiny orange candy bone, then put the red one he still had in his mouth. It was and unprovoked act of kindness on his part. An act of kindness to someone who just moments ago told him he didn't need the candy, yet he was showing love anyway.
Who was the last person who told you "no"? Have you chosen to show them love anyway? Who was the last person to be mean to you? Have you chosen to show them love anyway? Who was the last person to let you down? Have you chosen to show them love anyway?

And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.
-Ephesians 4:32

In Christ,
jon walton

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome Home...

I rarely travel without my family. I don't like being away from my wife, who is absolutely amazing and I don't know how I would get along without, or my son, who daily makes me laugh and by just looking at him makes me want to try harder. My family is important to me. I love them with all my heart. I choose to take a trip to see some friends but my wife couldn't get off work, so I went it alone and Isaiah stayed with her. I miss them terribly in situations like that. I know it was only for a few days, I called often, and I knew they were safe, but I still missed them. When I came home, my wife greeted me first with a strong, long hug. It felt so good just to hold her and be held by her again, like a moment of utter peace. "Welcome home, honey" she said as she loosened her grip on me. When my son, who was playing on the computer, saw me he stopped, ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I never saw you for a long time, dad!" he shouted as he almost choked me.

It is a wonderful feeling to know you are loved. With a family comes responsibility, discipline, heartache, and sacrifice, yet the reward of love is worth it. Love is not only receiving, but giving. Love is everlasting, all conquering, and all forgiving. It is amazing to me that my family loves me as they do. I am not perfect, but they still love me. I make mistakes, but they still love me. I am even more amazed that Jesus Christ loves me. Because He is perfect, blameless, and amazing, yet I am not. Jesus is the example of love we should all strive for.

I can't wait until I get to walk into my eternal home, Heaven. I can't wait until I am greeted by my Savior, and I can put my arms around His neck, tell Him thank you, and hear Him say, "Welcome home."

In Christ,
jon walton

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Love You.

How often do you tell the people around you that they matter to you? Did you tell your wife/husband that you love them and kiss them goodbye before you left for work? Did you hug your children before they went to school? Did you call your parents to let them know you still care about them?

Think about this: If no one said "I love you" to you today, would it matter?

God has put each of us in a position to love someone. To let someone know that we care. To show others that they matter, that they have significance. Encourage and comfort someone today.

Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:18

In Christ,
jon walton

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I think it is odd that words have such profound effects on how we respond to different situations. For example, if someone refers to something as junk, it is typically not taken care of as well. However that same object to someone else can be referred to as their prized possession, and it is cared for with utter concern. So here is my question: How do we treat people when we refer to them with words with meaningless connotations, verses referring to the same people with words that give them significance? How would you change the tone of your voice when talking to or about that person who is a Veteran who fought in 2 wars for the freedom of our country, not "that homeless guy sitting against the building?" How would you change your actions when you talk to or about that girl who has given so much time volunteering for the community, giving of herself and thinking of others instead of "that girl who got pregnant by mistake?" How would you think about that person when you refer to them as that person who needs Jesus Christ in their life, not "that drunk?"
Allow me to give a personal example. A few weeks ago, pastor Rick talked about how the word "Lord" really means "Master." It got me thinking about how when we say "Lord" for many of us it doesn't mean "Master." So, I began praying "Master" instead of "Lord." It changed my prayer life. Instead of praying to Jesus Christ and giving a shopping list, (Lord, please give me this; Lord, please do this for me today; etc) I would suddenly realize my place. Slave of Jesus Christ. He is the one in control, I am the servant.
So how do you refer to people? To friends? To your spouse? To your Master?

Slave of Jesus Christ,
jon walton

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Praying Where?

Do you have a favorite place to pray? Somewhere you can go and just be still before Jesus Christ? I think in our culture of rush, rush, rush, go, go, go, and get it done fast, we have forgotten how imperative it is to spend time with Christ. Just Christ. Not saying a prayer so others can hear, not having fellowship with other believers, not even witnessing to people who don't know Jesus, but just spending time with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Most people, whether they have a relationship with Jesus or not, look at me weird when I tell them where one of my favorite places to pray is the shower. That's right. Now you are making that face that so many others have made. When I thought about it, I wanted to determine why it is one of my favorite places to meet with the one true God.

1. It is secluded. I am all by myself in the shower. There is no one asking me questions, no one demanding that I do anything, no one talking to me. I am simply there with God.
2. It is quiet. Well, not like pin drop silence, there is the water running. However that water running drowns out any noise that is happening outside the walls of the shower. I can hear my thoughts. I can hear my God.
3. There are no video games in the shower. No computers. No tv. No books. No phones(or iPhones). No distractions.
4. Finally, I am naked before God. Ok, take a second and get the creepies out of your head. Now, I know what this sounds like, but the more I thought about it the more it makes sense. God doesn't see us the way we see each other. In fact, God doesn't see our clothes when He looks at us anyway. He doesn't see what we are driving or our house. God sees our heart. Being totally naked before God, being vulnerable, exposed, not hiding behind anything, is probably as close to us understanding how He sees us as we can get.

But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
-Matthew 6:6

So where do you pray? Where is your favorite place? I would love to hear it! (and I won't tell anyone. Trust me, I know the looks you can get...)

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, August 14, 2009

Teachable Moments...

Now, this may come as a shock, but I truly love my son. No, really! In fact, often times he is the inspiration for this blog. Its true.
Yesterday morning as we were walking out the door, Isaiah presented me with a question that offered a wonderful teaching moment for him. Now, through the wonderful marvels of the internet, here is our conversation with his words in Green, mine in Blue.

"Why do we have to go places?"
"Well, I have to go to work, and you have to go to Mamaw's because you can't stay here by yourself."
"But why do you have to go to work, dad?"
"Well, I need to make money so you and mommy can have food, and clothes, and so we can pay for our house."

Now, this is where the conversation gets really interesting. You see, Isaiah had just recently asked for a Wii Game(Mario Kart Wii actually, very fun game). We told him he could ask for it for his birthday or Christmas, but it was just too much right now. Something I always look for is "teachable moments." Those little times when through experience I can help Isaiah learn. I saw this as one of those times. I told him if he wanted to do extra chores around the house and for his grandmother(mamaw) we would pay him for it. ($2 for laundry or dishes, small things like that). We explained that the money would be his and when he had saved enough, he could buy the game. The extra chores were completely optional, but were in excess of his regular chores. The awesome thing is he did it. He worked hard, saved his money and got the game. He understood that he had worked for the money to get the game. Now, back to the conversation. His next response was in reflection of this lesson.

"But dad, if you go to work and you work, that's your money."

Wow. Thank you Lord for another teachable moment with my son.

"Yes, I guess you're right son. But I give my money to you and mommy because I love you both."
He just stood there and looked at me a moment.
"Buddy, can you go to work and make money?"
"No, I'm too little."
"That's right, so if I didn't give my money to you, would you have food?"
"I give you and mommy my money to get those things because I love you guys very much."
He looked up, smiled at me, and grabbed my leg hugging me. I knelt down and hugged him back.
"Thank you, daddy"

Are you showing others that you love them? Its more than words. Its more than saying it. Its giving them what belongs to you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Would Spill Out of You?

We all run into people from time to time that through some simple act completely infuriate us. You know the person I am talking about. That guy that smarted off to you at the wrong time. That drama queen who, just because you mentioned something was out of place, feels the need to go off on you and make sure everyone in a 5 mile radius knows you are the one who is really causing all the problems. That know it all who always corrects you when you don't need it. I think you understand what I'm talking about.

One such instance happened where I work recently. Someone was having a bad day for whatever reason and when asked a question, he quipped back with a snarky remark. The person he addressed had every right to lash out back at him, but instead did something different. This lady came in with not one, but two breakfast pizza's the next day, bought out of her pocket. One for everyone in our department, and one for everyone in the other department where the gentleman who took his frustrations out on her. She responded to harshness with love.

Dr. Dean Haun made this comment once, "We are all cups with some liquid in us. At some point, we are going to be bumped and what is inside, whether it is good or bad, is going to spill out. What would spill out of you?" It is so easy to lash out when we are bumped. It is our natural reaction, but as Paul writes in Colossians 3:13, that should not be our response as followers of Jesus Christ.

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting Excited...

I am getting excited about several things this fall. Skillet and The David Crowder Band both have new CD's coming out, there is a new video game coming out that I am really looking forward to, and in just a little over a week we are having a Back to School Party in The Reckoning (our Youth Group) that will be a lot of fun. Now, I am not an emotional guy. Sure, I get loud and have a lot of fun, but I don't typically get excited and all giddy. However, I have been getting that way lately, but not for any of the things I just mentioned.

Pastor Rick has been going through the book of Revelation(That's the one in the back, heh). He is doing an incredible job conveying the Word of God and I have been reading it intently. I have to say, I'm getting excited for Christ's return. Gidddy excited. I mean I am giggling a little as I write this thinking about it!

You see, I know that when it is all said and done, I get to be with my Savior forever. I know I will be in a place of peace. I know that I will have incredible joy. I know that I will have no pain, heartache, or fear ever again. I know others who will be there. I am really excited about it!

What I am not exctied about is the realization of how many people are daily turning away Jesus. Because for them when it is all said and done, they won't be in a place of peace. For them, who refuse to accept the Truth, they will be tormented forever. I thougth of that today and man, talk about putting things in perspective!

"Jesus, give me the opportunity to share about you with someone today. Let me find someone who needs You. Let me be bold in sharing how great You are. Let me share Your Love with them. And I pray now that You would soften thier heart, that You would prepair them to hear and accept the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus, get me excited."

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, July 17, 2009

I Only Did It Because I Love You...

I'm not sure if you have heard of this group called Family Force Five, but if you haven't, here's a little taste. Take it all in.

There ya go. Now here's the thing, you may have just watched that (or even just part of it) and decided "There's no way that's Christian music!" Fact is, it may not be "Worship Music" but they are all Christians having fun. You won't find any cussing in their lyrics, you won't find worship to Satan in their music, and they give glory to God for their success. What you may have to come to terms with is this type of music isn't for you. Shouldn't be that hard to decide.

We saw them at Spiritsong and while I admit I'm not a big fan, many of the youth are. While watching them on stage, I was just standing and enduring. One of the youth caught my attention and laughed at me as they rocked out and I just stood. "This just isn't your thing, is it?" they screamed so I could hear. "No, but it is yours." I shouted back. I took them there and watched that with them because I love them!

We do all kinds of things for people we love. Things we may not want to do. We clean the house when family is coming over, we go places we rather wouldn't, we hold back things we want to say. All because we love them. Jesus loves us. He did lots of things I'm sure He would have rather not done. His life on Earth wasn't pleasant, it was hard. His death was horrific. But He did it for us, out of choice, because He loves us. (Romans 5:8)

I hope you know today that Jesus Christ loves you. No matter where you are in life, what you have done, what you are going through, Jesus loves you. So much, he paid a debt for you whether you wanted Him to or not. Take a moment today and let that sink in. Jesus loves you.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Much Is Enough?

One of the things I always do when we go somewhere like a concert or show, whether it is with the youth group or personal, is look around at the people and watch for a moment. You should try it sometime, you see some interesting stuff. At many youth events you can see parents who even though they can't stand the music being played, they have made the trip so their children may enjoy it. You can see the kids who were drug along for the ride and would rather be home than there. You can see that crazy fan who is screaming at the top of their lungs when their favorite band comes on and begins jumping, raising their hands, ANYTHING to get some attention. It is always interesting what you can see.

While at Spiritsong, one of these events, I was looking at the audience. As I was panning the crowd, I saw something that made me freeze. Close to the back sat a mentally handicapped man who, while even though full grown in body, was not mentally. What caught my attention to him was not his handicap though, it was him as a person. As he sat there near the back he waved a light stick, clapped along with every song, from time to time raised his hands in worship, and smiled the entire time. He was truly more than content, he was overjoyed. Nothing in the world mattered to him except for the fact that he was listening to great music and praising God.

It took so little to please him, yet I was concerned with us having to walk a short distance to the park each day. I was concerned with our seats not being good enough(though we were at least 20 in front of this man). I was concerned with so much that didn't matter. "How much is enough?" I asked myself.

Your life should be free from the love of money. Be satisfied with what you have, for He Himself has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
-Hebrews 13:5

Are you content? Do you have "enough"?

In Christ,
jon walton

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Favorite was... (Version 2)

Preface: I know, I know. Its been nearly a month since I've wrote anything, I'm sorry. Tell you what, I'll blog 3 times this week. I know! It's unheard of! (From me anyway, Pastor Rick sometimes hits 3 in a day!)

We just went to Disney World for a family vacation. It was a trip primarily for our son, Isaiah. We had a great time and on the ride home we asked the question that always interests me, "Isaiah, what was your favorite part?" His reply was "The Peter Pan ride!" Now, what is so interesting about this is that he had never heard of Peter Pan prior to this trip. For some reason, he loved it. In fact, before we left we had to find Peter Pan and Wendy so he could get his picture made with them!

We just got back from Spiritsong Sunday morning (about 1:45 am!) and on the ride home while most people in my car was asleep, I was thinking of my favorite part, Abbie & Josh. The two students I asked to pray about doing devotions for us. I have to say, they both did absolutely incredible.

Abbie spoke about keeping our faith real and challenged us not to be luke warm in our service to Jesus. She read Revelation 3:15-16 - I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. She made this statement: "I don't understand how someone who has a relationship with Jesus can be cold or luke warm." For those of us who have one, it is confusing. People who don't have a real relationship don't know what they are missing. She then challenged everyone to live thier lives 100% for the Lord. That'll preach!

Josh spoke about something we all to commonly deal with, jealousy. He read Psalm 37:4 - Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires. He talked about how he struggled with seeing something someone else has and wanting it for himself, even to the point of driving him to anger. Then he told the group how that verse has helped him. How he is doing his best to delight in the Lord, and how he trusts that the Lord will give him his desires. That's living all in!

Why were these my favorite parts? Because I am getting to see some of my youth grow in Jesus. These were my favorite parts because they not only grew closer to Christ through doing the devotional, they helped others in our group get closer to Christ by teaching them. Better than Diamondback by a long shot!

In Christ,
jon walton

P.S. Thanks Abbie and Josh!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What If No One Showed Up?

If you were to go to church Sunday and were the only one there, what would you do? Would you say, "Well, I'll just go home" or "There is no point in me being here by myself"? If you went to a worship event and no one else came, would you still worship?
The answer all lies with why you were coming in the first place. Who is this "church" thing for? You? Did you come expecting to get, or give?
Where is the focus? And this extends outside of "church" (the meeting on Sunday morning). Who is today about? Who is your life about?

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it. What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and then He will reward each according to what he has done.
- Matthew 16:24-27

Jesus is who it is all about, and grabbing that mind set is the key to worshiping, serving, and glorifying Jesus even if no one shows up.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sunday, I was pulled aside by someone at church who gave me a lot of encouragement. She told me how much she appreciated what I did at the church, the impact I was having on the lives of the youth, and how I just seemed committed to what God has called me to. I can't tell you how much that helped.

Open honesty time: We all wonder at some point if what we are doing is making a difference. For those of us who know Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as our Savior, we want to know that our work is bringing Him glory. Even those who do not know Christ still want to feel needed or important. They want to know what they are doing matters somewhere! Everyone wants to have a sense of self worth. This encouragement came at one of those times for me.

We just finished a series on dating with the youth and that is a favorite topic for them, right? At the end I couldn't help but wonder if any of them really "got it." I needed that encouragement. I have no doubt that God sent her to me. God knows when we need to be lifted up and He knows how to do it whether it be directly from Him or from one of His servants.

So, here is my challenge to you: Encourage those around you. God set this challenge to you as well:

No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.
-Ephesians 4:29

Take a moment to examine your day. Do your words and actions encourage and build up, or do they discourage and tear down? Make an effort to be an encouragement to all around you. You never know just how much it may help someone.

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Parable of the Snooze Button...

There was a man who had trouble waking up in the morning. He decided that he needed something to wake him up, otherwise he would keep oversleeping. The man decided the best course of action would be to buy an alarm clock. The alarm clock worked very well for a while. When the alarm would go off in the morning, the man would rise, turn off the waking sound and begin to get ready for the day. For quite some time, the man was not late and had plenty of time to get ready in the mornings.

Now, it came to pass that one day the man discovered a feature on the alarm clock he had not seen before. The largest button on the clock labeled "snooze." The man pressed it, but nothing happened. The next morning as the clock was ringing its tone to wake him, the man hit the "snooze" button on accident. The alarm stopped but only for nine minutes. The alarm then began to buzz. The man realized what this button was and decided to take full advantage of such a wonderful innovation. He began using the "snooze" button each morning to catch just a few more minutes of sleep. He even discovered the "snooze" button could be used more than once. If he felt he needed it, he could press the "snooze" button multiple times to get more sleep. The man's son saw him using the "snooze" button and soon learned to use it as well, even as young as four years old.

As time progressed, the man began to realize that he was beginning to be late again. Late to work, late to rise on weekends, and late to other morning events. Some mornings, its seemed as if the alarm didn't even buzz to wake him. On one morning, the man woke with his son asleep next to him in bed, when he looked at the time, he realized that he had overslept and was now late by 3 hours! Frustrated he checked the alarm clock to realize that it was in fact on and working. His son awoke and noticed the man looking at the clock. "I hit the "snooze" button for you, daddy" the man's son replied. The man knew then, if he were to not be late, he must stop using the "snooze" button.

What are you hitting the "snooze" button on? We do it all the time. "Not now God, I need to finish this first." "Not yet God, I don't think I am ready." "Maybe in a few years God, but I have too much going on right now." We even teach people to do it for us. "I think you should wait, I mean did God really say now?"

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit." You don't even know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are a bit of smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes.
-James 4:13-14

Stop hitting the "snooze" button...

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Still Need Work...

The more I teach the youth, the more I realize that I still need work. I'm not perfect. I don't have all the answers. I don't understand every principle in the Bible. I still have struggles. I still fail. My dad had a saying that I have adopted: "The more I learn, the more I realize just how little I know." Oh how true that is.

It is for these reasons I am so thankful for God. It is these reminders that tell me its really not me, its God.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Cor. 12:9

"Lord Jesus, thank You for who You are. Thank You for choosing to use those of us who don't have it all together. May Your Name be glorified by my life. Thank You for not giving up on me. Teach me Your ways and help me apply them to my life. Do this even when I don't like it. Amen"

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, May 15, 2009

Setting Lightning Free...

Graduation is just around the corner for many students. Our youth group is no different, we have six graduating at the end of this month. I count it an honor that these guys have allowed me to pour into their lives since I have been the youth pastor the past year and a half. Each of them have grown spiritually, matured mentally, and are getting ready to step out of childhood and into adulthood.

We had a pet turtle at one time, but he outgrew his tank we had at the house. We talked about getting a larger tank, but they were so expensive and we knew we couldn't afford it. Our biggest concern was trying to explain this to our 4 year old son who had named him "Lightning." (A fitting name for a turtle, right?) Then I remembered the pond on the back of our farm. So my wife and I decided to explain to our son that we were setting Lightning free to live in the pond where he will be happy. Our son was actually happy to do so. The next Saturday, we loaded up Lighting on the 4-wheeler, drove down to the pond, and placed Lightning at the edge of the pond. He sat there only a second, then proceeded to bury himself in the mud at the edge of the water. My son looked at where Lightning had gone and asked, "Where did Lightning go?" I told my son, "Well buddy, this pond is pretty big compared to Lightning's tank. He's probably a little scared so he is hiding." My son, still looking at the muddy spot in the water where Lightning buried himself said, "It'll be ok Lightning."

Remember our Graduates who are about to step out into the "pond." It's a lot bigger than the "tank" they have been living in. Pray that they don't bury themselves in the mud at the edge, but that they swim freely and boldly, not forgetting the foundation that has been laid in their lives.

"You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."

-Matthew 5:14-16

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, May 8, 2009

Its A Choice...

Please pray for Megan Maxwell. She has been missing nearly 2 weeks now. Pray for her family.

Its difficult. I was talking with a friend who had lost a sister from a car accident with a drunk driver. He told me after that, he became so bitter and angry with God. At one point, he looked up to God and said, "If you are real, I hate you! What good can come of this?" He stayed bitter for over a year. Then, while visiting the friend of his sister, it happened. He question got answered in a profound way. This friend asked him, "What does it mean to be a Christian? To know Christ?" He had the opportunity to share the gospel with this woman, and she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior!

As we talked, he said "I didn't want to praise God when my sister died." The truth is, non of us do. It is not a "natural" reaction. We want to focus on the problem. We want to try and "fix" it. When we can't, we feel helpless. Useless. We want to give up and loose hope. However, this is not what the Bible teaches us to do. Look at how Psalm 69 begins:

Save me, God, for the water has risen to my neck. I have sunk in deep mud, and there is no footing; I have come into deep waters, and a flood sweeps over me. I am weary from my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.

It is clear that the author, David, is hurting. As he cries out to God, he even says it seems as though he can not find God. He goes on to talk about all those against him, those who hate him without cause. David's reaction is to focus on the problem. Yet later in verses 29-30, David demonstrates what we should do:

But as for me—poor and in pain—let Your salvation protect me, God. I will praise God's name with song and exalt Him with thanksgiving.

Its not easy, but it is what we should do. This is perfectly stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

We don't always understand God's plan, but one thing we can always understand and lean on is that He HAS a plan. Trust it. Even in our darkest hour.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Favorite was...

Sunday after church, Missy, Isaiah and I all went to Dollywood. One thing about Isaiah, he is not one to very willingly step out of his comfort zone and try new things. For the most part, he likes to do things he KNOWS will be fun and KNOWS all about. Something new is scary. It is, by its very nature, unknown. He is now tall enough to ride the "Veggie Tales Roller Coaster" which is, by any adult's standards, anything but scary. I pointed to it and said, "Hey buddy, lets go ride that."
"NO! I don't want to!" He exclaimed back with all the power he could muster from his 38 lb. body.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Its too scary!" He said.
"Come on buddy, it will be fun!" I said as I picked him up so he could get a better look. "It goes up and down, spins a little and doesn't go that fast. You'll like it!"
"No, I won't!" Isaiah insisted with all assurance as if he had just been given a prophetic word from God.
I hugged him and said, "Come on buddy, I'll ride it with you, ok?"
He looked at the small, multicolored coaster on its curvy purple track, then at me, then back at the coaster. It wasn't an enthusiastic "YES," but it was enough for me to start getting in line.
As we waited at the gate to go in, Isaiah, now standing in front of me, looked up at me with his brown eyes and said, "Daddy, will you hold me tight?" Smiling and reassuring him I said, "Absolutely." As it came our turn I put Isaiah in the car first, then I squeezed in beside him. Let me tell you right now, the cars on the Veggie Tales Roller Coaster are NOT designed for a 6' man. My legs cramped as my knees were shoved into the metal front of the car and the lap bar was forced by an attendant to my lap as it scrubbed down the tops of my legs thus pulling every hair from the top of my leg through my shorts. As the ride started, I put my arm around my son and held onto him. At the first drop, he laughed and yelled, "This is fun!"
At the end of the day, Missy asked Isaiah, "What was your favorite part of today?"
"My favorite was The Veggie Tales Roller Coaster! And I wasn't even scared!" He exclaimed proudly.

Its odd, isn't it? There are things out Father God may ask us to do, yet we say "No! I don't want to!" Why? So often we forget that God is not asking us to do anything alone, but that He will be right beside us(Heb. 13:5-6). And what are we missing out on by NOT doing what God has asked? He knows what He desires to accomplish in our lives. It's time we start letting him. He will hold us tight. Who knows, we could miss out on our "favorite thing."

In Christ,
jon walton

P.S. Please continue to pray for Megan Maxwell. As of 11:45 am this morning, they still had not heard anything.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weight Bench...

I talk to my big brother almost everyday on the ride home. Either I call him or he calls me and our conversations are about everything and anything. We have been through a lot together, from some difficult years growing up, him going to the army, me becoming a Youth Pastor, to what ever we will talk about today.
When I called him yesterday, I asked "What are you doing?" "Building a weight bench." He replied. Now, this may come as a shock to some of you, but I am a bit of a smart-alec...
"What are you 'waiting' on?" I replied. I won't give you his response....

I was recalling this conversation this morning and it got me thinking, "What am I waiting on?" Am I really seeking the will of Jesus in my life, or am I just getting by? Am I waking up in the morning excited about what God has in store for me today, or am I dreading getting out of the bed? Am I actively seeking to live a life honoring to God, or to myself?

Now don't get me wrong, we do need to wait on the Lord's instruction. If we try to do anything by ourselves, it will fail. We also can't start doing our own thing then ask God to bless it. How about we start doing what God wants us to and EXPECT Him to bless it? And while we are "waiting" for Jesus to tell us what we need to be doing, why don't we prepare for what He has next?

"Jesus, help me this day see what you have in store for me. I don't want to wait, I want to be active in Your work. I will pray to get ready. I will study Your Word to get ready. I will worship you to get ready. I don't want to wait, I want to live for You. Amen."

In Christ,
jon walton

Wanna contact me? Send me an e-mail!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Don't Kiss My Staples...

This past Thursday I had a new experience, for the first time I rushed my son to the emergency room. It would seem that while pretending to be Spiderman on my mother-in-law's porch swing, he fell off and hit his head on one of those old school metal Tonka trucks. He is ok, but he wound up getting 2 staples in the back of his little head and a lot of petting from his mom and dad.

Later that night as we were going through our nightly rutine of memory verses, prayer, and goodnight kisses he looked at us and said, "Don't kiss my staples..." Now, at first I thought they were hurting him and he simply didn't want me to touch them, so I responded, "Ok buddy, I won't." His next response almost brought tears to my eyes...

"Yeah, cause they might hurt your lips."

Wow. He had just that day fell off the swing, hurt his head, had a scary time at the emergency room and had forgin objects in his head, yet he is more concerned about us hurting ourselves than it hurting him. He so wonderfully displayed exactly what Paul was writing to the Philipians:

Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not [only] for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. - Philipians 2:4-5 (HCB)

How often we forget this simple, yet powerful teaching. How about you? Are you considering others more important than yourself?

In Christ,
jon walton.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Altar Prayer...

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to visit a different church. At one point in the service, the pastor called for everyone who would to come forward for "Altar Prayer." For those who may be reading this and don't know what exactly I am talking about, allow me to take a moment and explain. It is truly a wonderful thing.

It is a time when anyone who wants comes forward, usually just after the opening worship songs, and gives prayer requests. Everyone stands there huddled around the Altar, usually a wooden table with the words "This do in remembrance of Me" written on it. After prayer requests are given, someone is called on to "lead" the prayer. Everyone kneels at the Altar of the Lord and waits for the person called on to begin praying. When they do, everyone begins to pray. Out loud. When the prayer time is over, the last person praying simply says, "Amen" and everyone gets up, goes back to their seats, and the service proceeds. Altar Prayer usually happens in what many refer to as "Traditional" or "Old Fashion" churches, but some still observe this time.

When I got to experience this again, I took a moment and just allowed the Lord to speak in the mist of everyone else praying. Almost the entire church kneeling before Jesus, lifting up each other, the lost, the sick and others in prayer. All these people saying what each needed to say to Jesus. Some praising. Some praying for themselves. Pretty much all out loud. It was incredible.

Now, I know you can pray anywhere. I know Jesus is always listening. I also know that it is a blessing to me to hear others pray in the name of Jesus Christ. I know that it is powerful when multiple people come together in prayer. In the book of Revelations, the Bible describes the prayers of the saints as "gold bowls filled with incense." (Rev. 5:8) Since that is the case, this must have been a wonderful, refreshing smell to God.

In Christ,
jon walton

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little Reminders...

I am currently reading through Leviticus and there is a phrase that keeps coming up. Throughout Leviticus, God is telling Moses what to tell the Hebrew people what they need to do, and what not to do, in order to be Holy. After almost every command, God says, "I am the LORD." This struck me as odd. Why does God keep saying this? He continues to say it over and over. Is Moses that forgetful? This is God Almighty talking to him, how can he be forgetting who this is?

I wanted to see why God said this over and over. In the original Hebrew, the word for "LORD" here is "Yahweh." Yahweh is the most personal name God gives Himself in the Old Testament. It is the name God gave to Moses when setting up the covenant with the Hebrews. It is an intimate name. What does this mean? It means that it is at this point that God is revealing more of Himself to His chosen people. It means God is drawing the people of Israel into a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him.

So, again, why does God repeatedly say, "I am the LORD(Yahweh)?" If you think about it with that name in place, Yahweh, and with what He is telling Moses and the Hebrews, this is what you must do or not do to be Holy, it is as if God is telling His people, "I want to be your personal, intimate God. I want a relationship with you. I want to be the most important thing in your life because I know everything. I know where you are going, where you have been. I know what will make you happy, I know what will make you miserable. I know what will give your life meaning and fulfillment, I know what will destroy you and make you hollow. I LOVE YOU. I want the best for you. I am the LORD. Yahweh. Your personal, intimate, caring, loving, involved, active, perusing, never failing, always faithful God. I will not dwell where sin is. I will not work where the people refuse me. I do not force myself on anyone. Here is how to be Holy. It is for your benefit. Do this, so that I may have an intimate relationship with you, my people. I am the LORD."

It's as if God is sending these little reminders to the Hebrews. He doesn't want them to forget who He is and that He wants the best for them and to be with them.

God wants this for us, too. In fact, God wants this so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to cover our sins. God can not dwell in the lives of people who are full of sin(Hab. 1:13). God saw that people could not live perfect, holy lives. He saw that we would have sin in our lives. That we needed a savior. That's why Jesus was sent here. So that God, through the sacrifice of the perfect Lamb that covers our sin(Rom. 3:24-25), could have an intimate relationship with us.

So what little reminders is God sending your way? Are you listening?

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This Friday night, two of my best friends are coming in from KY to just hang out and spend some time together. I can't wait! I have been excited about it since we talked about it a couple of weeks ago. However, with people coming to our house, that means we need to "prepare" some things...

We have cleaned like crazy the past couple of days. The living room, bedrooms, counters, outside, the fish tank, just about everything in our house. And there is more besides cleaning, Missy, my wonderful bride, has been cooking already. She made a wonderful looking cheesecake that I can't touch till they get here, she has been going though recipe books to find just the right meals, and she has still kept up all the general housework like laundry and dishes while working a full time job.(Man I love her!) Isaiah, our 4 year old son, has been preparing too. He has told me about how he is going to show all his cars to them when they get here.

So all this got me thinking. This is my best friend coming in and I am spending all this time "preparing" to be with him and his wife(Who is a great friend too), but how much time do I prepare myself to come before Jesus Christ, my Lord? Do you prepare before you enter into prayer time? Bible study time? I think one of the great things about Jesus is, I don't have to prepare to be with Him. He is ready to spend time with me whenever I will. However, out of respect to Him, I want to prepare. I want to be in the right mind set when I come before my Lord. I want to be sure that I am not coming into the throne room disrespectful. He deserves all glory, honor, and praise. I want to be prepared to give it to Him.

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, March 6, 2009

Um… could you NOT tell people you are a Christian?

I performed my first wedding last Saturday. It was odd to be on the other side of it all. I have been a groomsman, best man, and a groom before, and I can honestly say they are each and everyone different. The wedding was beautiful and as I married these two, I prayed that God would strengthen their marriage.

The wedding made me think of another one I was a groomsman in. Particularly the bachelor’s party. When my best friend got married, we took him to his favorite restaurant, Buffalo Wild Wings. There were about 30 men invited to this meal as we were each giving advice to him about what we have learned about marriage and what the Bible says about marriage. Now, 30 men in a restaurant all being loud, laughing, and generally having a good time tends to make a scene. The waitress, who was a nice, attractive young lady, asked, “What are all of you celebrating?” “It’s this guy’s bachelor party” I said motioning to the groom. “Oh great! So are you guys all going to the strip club after leavening here?” She asked.

Now, I guess this is the kinda the worldly view of what everyone does at their bachelor party, but the group of men gathered there were all Godly men who I have the utmost respect for. The highest to this day being the groom whom I have known for quite sometime. So my response was, “No, we are all Christians.” The words that came out of her mouth next flat out shocked me.

“So am I, but I still go to strip clubs all the time.”

Let me give that a minute to set in…………….

For a moment, I was speechless. For a moment. But for any of you who know me, I could not just let that go! “Um, excuse me miss” I said after re-gathering my thoughts, “why do you go to a strip club?” I guess I still like to believe that people are inherently good. “Oh, my friend works on stage there, and when I go she gets me free drinks.” Ok, that dispels the first thought I had at least. “And you don’t see a problem with that?” I asked. “No.” She replied. So I just shook my head and she moved on to the next person’s order.

I looked at the guy sitting next to me, who had laughed all the way through our conversation, and said, “Um, could you not tell people that you are a Christian?”

There are tons of people who claim they are Christians, but the reality is they don’t have a clue. And when you say you are a Christian, what do you mean? Let’s define “Christian” shall we? The root of the word is “Christ,” so we can see that it is actually centered around Christ. Now, the only “Christ” I know is Jesus Christ. The suffix “ian” means “like, related to, or belonging to.” So, to say you are a “Christian,” means you are Christ-like, or related to Christ, or that you BELONG to Christ. But just because someone says they are, doesn’t make it so. Look at what Jesus said:

You'll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can't produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that doesn't produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So you'll recognize them by their fruit.

-Matthew 7:16-20

So how are you presenting yourself? Do people look at you and say, “That person really loves Jesus!” Or do people look at you and think you’re fake? Whether we like it or not, there will always be people watching. What message are you sending? Are people saying behind your back, “Um, could you not tell people you are a Christian?”

Wanna talk?

Choose for yourselves today...

Now, I don't mean to rant, but there is something that has just really gotten under my skin. It has been eating at me for a while and it has all kinda came to a boiling point here as of late.
I am so tired of people who say, "I'm a Christian. I follow Jesus Christ. I live to serve Him." But then their lives reveal something in direct contradiction to it. Their openly crude language, their pride in sleeping around with people, their bragging about how drunk they got. It just doesn't line up! I wrote a while back about my experience with a waitress who said she was a Christian, yet was going to a strip joint later to get drunk! My words to her? "Could you please not tell people you are a Christian."
Pastor Rick has been preaching about this for some time now and he is not the only person who has faced it throughout history. Joshua faced this same problem. Joshua 24 begins by Joshua bringing together all of Israel's elders, leaders, judges, officers, anyone who said they followed the Lord. He told them all the Lord God had done for them, then told them.
Therefore, fear the LORD and worship Him in sincerity and truth. Get rid of the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and worship the LORD. But if it doesn't please you to worship the LORD, choose for yourselves today the one you will worship: the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my family, we will worship the LORD."
- Joshua 24:14-15 (HCB)
God had told Joshua to tell the people this. It's the same thing God says in Revalations 3:15-16, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth."
If you believe Jesus Christ is who He said He was and that He did what He said He did and still does, then choose today who you will serve. There should be a difference in how you live your life people! We shouldn't look like the rest of the world who says they don't believe in Jesus Christ!
So who will you serve? Jesus? Some other god? Yourself? Choose.
P.S. I love you. That's why I tell you the truth.
In Christ,
jon walton