Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This Friday night, two of my best friends are coming in from KY to just hang out and spend some time together. I can't wait! I have been excited about it since we talked about it a couple of weeks ago. However, with people coming to our house, that means we need to "prepare" some things...

We have cleaned like crazy the past couple of days. The living room, bedrooms, counters, outside, the fish tank, just about everything in our house. And there is more besides cleaning, Missy, my wonderful bride, has been cooking already. She made a wonderful looking cheesecake that I can't touch till they get here, she has been going though recipe books to find just the right meals, and she has still kept up all the general housework like laundry and dishes while working a full time job.(Man I love her!) Isaiah, our 4 year old son, has been preparing too. He has told me about how he is going to show all his cars to them when they get here.

So all this got me thinking. This is my best friend coming in and I am spending all this time "preparing" to be with him and his wife(Who is a great friend too), but how much time do I prepare myself to come before Jesus Christ, my Lord? Do you prepare before you enter into prayer time? Bible study time? I think one of the great things about Jesus is, I don't have to prepare to be with Him. He is ready to spend time with me whenever I will. However, out of respect to Him, I want to prepare. I want to be in the right mind set when I come before my Lord. I want to be sure that I am not coming into the throne room disrespectful. He deserves all glory, honor, and praise. I want to be prepared to give it to Him.

In Christ,
jon walton

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