Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Praying Where?

Do you have a favorite place to pray? Somewhere you can go and just be still before Jesus Christ? I think in our culture of rush, rush, rush, go, go, go, and get it done fast, we have forgotten how imperative it is to spend time with Christ. Just Christ. Not saying a prayer so others can hear, not having fellowship with other believers, not even witnessing to people who don't know Jesus, but just spending time with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Most people, whether they have a relationship with Jesus or not, look at me weird when I tell them where one of my favorite places to pray is the shower. That's right. Now you are making that face that so many others have made. When I thought about it, I wanted to determine why it is one of my favorite places to meet with the one true God.

1. It is secluded. I am all by myself in the shower. There is no one asking me questions, no one demanding that I do anything, no one talking to me. I am simply there with God.
2. It is quiet. Well, not like pin drop silence, there is the water running. However that water running drowns out any noise that is happening outside the walls of the shower. I can hear my thoughts. I can hear my God.
3. There are no video games in the shower. No computers. No tv. No books. No phones(or iPhones). No distractions.
4. Finally, I am naked before God. Ok, take a second and get the creepies out of your head. Now, I know what this sounds like, but the more I thought about it the more it makes sense. God doesn't see us the way we see each other. In fact, God doesn't see our clothes when He looks at us anyway. He doesn't see what we are driving or our house. God sees our heart. Being totally naked before God, being vulnerable, exposed, not hiding behind anything, is probably as close to us understanding how He sees us as we can get.

But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
-Matthew 6:6

So where do you pray? Where is your favorite place? I would love to hear it! (and I won't tell anyone. Trust me, I know the looks you can get...)

In Christ,
jon walton

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