Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weight Bench...

I talk to my big brother almost everyday on the ride home. Either I call him or he calls me and our conversations are about everything and anything. We have been through a lot together, from some difficult years growing up, him going to the army, me becoming a Youth Pastor, to what ever we will talk about today.
When I called him yesterday, I asked "What are you doing?" "Building a weight bench." He replied. Now, this may come as a shock to some of you, but I am a bit of a smart-alec...
"What are you 'waiting' on?" I replied. I won't give you his response....

I was recalling this conversation this morning and it got me thinking, "What am I waiting on?" Am I really seeking the will of Jesus in my life, or am I just getting by? Am I waking up in the morning excited about what God has in store for me today, or am I dreading getting out of the bed? Am I actively seeking to live a life honoring to God, or to myself?

Now don't get me wrong, we do need to wait on the Lord's instruction. If we try to do anything by ourselves, it will fail. We also can't start doing our own thing then ask God to bless it. How about we start doing what God wants us to and EXPECT Him to bless it? And while we are "waiting" for Jesus to tell us what we need to be doing, why don't we prepare for what He has next?

"Jesus, help me this day see what you have in store for me. I don't want to wait, I want to be active in Your work. I will pray to get ready. I will study Your Word to get ready. I will worship you to get ready. I don't want to wait, I want to live for You. Amen."

In Christ,
jon walton

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