Friday, December 2, 2011

A Potato?

Isaiah and his cousin were outside playing. Suddenly, they came in saying that their hands were hurting really bad. Turns out they had broken a flag pole off one of their big wheels. That flag pole was made of fiberglass. Isaiah had pulled it apart right down the middle and they had both put their hands on the inside of the exposed, frayed fiberglass. Now, while this seemed like a good idea to them and it was lots of fun, it did not last for long. The whole time they were playing with that broken flag pole, they were getting nearly invisible fiberglass splinters in their hands! It didn't take long for it to start hurting.

We called the emergency room and they said to try putting duck tape on their hands to pull the splinters out. This worked some, but with Isaiah's hands particularly, there were lots not coming out. I thought we would have to take him to the ER when something popped in my head. A potato. I had remembered that someone told me if you ever get a wood splinter, slice a raw potato in half and rub the inside of it over the splinter and it would pull it out. I thought, "Its worth a shot." IT WORKED! Within a few minutes, we had all the splinters out of Isaiah's hands. Isaiah immediately said that his hands felt better!  It was really pretty amazing.

So why are you reading about a home remedy? Because sin is like this. It looks good, fun, and pleasing at first, just like the flag pole did. But it doesn't take long for it to start to really hurt. Not only you, but others, too. In the same way it not only hurt Isaiah to play with the broken flag pole, but also his cousin, sin hurts other people you come in contact with as well. Paul wrote in his letter to the Hebrews 11 about "the short-lived pleasure of sin." He had an understanding of this fact: Sin is fun, but it doesn't last.

The great news is, there is a potato! It is Jesus Christ. He can remove our sin and heal our wounds, just like the potato can pull out splinters and make us feel better. We can try other things, like duck tape, but nothing will work except Jesus!

In Christ,
jon walton
Back To C3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Check Engine Light...

The check engine light came on in my truck. I'm no genius when it comes to mechanics, but I know enough to tell when the engine is not running correctly. There was nothing wrong with the cycle of the engine, changing of gears, or anything largely out of the ordinary, so I left it. Eventually, I had a friend who has a computer that will tell what the engine light code is check it out. Turns out my engine is running a bit cool. Not sure how big of an effect this will have on my truck, but I know my truck was designed to run at a certain temperature. As long as it is not running at that temperature, it is not running as it should.

All this got me thinking, do we ignore our spiritual check engine light when it comes on? Maybe its a lacking prayer life, a persistent sin, no joy in our lives, or even no desire to spend personal or corporate time with God.

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me lead me in the everlasting way. (Psalm 139:23, 24 HCSB)

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Dishwasher Broke...

About a week ago, my dishwasher just stopped working. It was one of those weird, out of the blue type things. I had just finished unloading it from the previous round of dishes, loaded it back up and hit start. It began then quickly lost power.

I asked a friend if he would come over and help me look at it to see if we could fix it instead of buying a new one. He agreed and we found the problem. I ordered the part needed, but had to wait for it to be shipped. Should take about a week. Till then, I would just have to wait.

You want to know something interesting? Even though my dishwasher stopped working, my family still produced dirty dishes! Not only that, but those dishes still needed to be washed, dried, and put away. This was crazy, right? I mean, my dishwasher was broke and I was waiting on the part, it's not like I could do anything about it, right?

As absurd as the previous paragraph sounds, do we do this with God? When we pray for something and God doesn't answer right away, do we stop working on it until God speaks specifically? Are there not things that still need to be done? Just because you are waiting on God doesn't mean you stop work to fulfill His will for you. Look closely at this verse:

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NKJV)

Did you catch "renew their strength?" if they had stopped working on what they were waiting for, why would their strength need renewed?

Just like the dishes still need to be done even if you are waiting a part for the dishwasher, there is still work to be done on Jesus name while you are waiting on Him.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Corn Maze...

Last Sunday our family went to a birthday party at the Hayes Farm, a local farm that has pumpkin patches, hay rides, games, inflatables, and a corn maze each year. It was a lot of fun for all of us and we really enjoyed it.

While we were there, the time came for us to go through the corn maze. There was only one entrance and one exit and they were fairly close to each other. Isaiah, our 6 year old son, was there playing with several of his friends, one of which is a little girl who lives on the farm and knew the maze quite well. As we were going into the maze, Isaiah asked if he could go with all his friends. It was a safe place and if he would have been in trouble I could have easily gotten to him, so I told him it was fine. I asked him to wait at the exit for us since they would probably get through before us. Excited, they all darted into the maze while my wife and I casually strolled.

After about 30 minutes, my wife and I made it to the end. We looked around for the kids thinking they would have been done before us, but they weren't at the exit. A few other people from our group came out right behind us. They said they had just saw all the kids and they were still trying to find a way out, but wouldn't come with the adults talking to us. My wife and I kind of laughed and just waited on them to come out. When they did, we were a bit surprised.

Shortly after talking to the other adults, Isaiah and his friends found their way out. Isaiah took one step outside the maze, saw us, and ran as hard as he could to us. He gripped my wife hugging her as tightly as he could and burred his face in her stomach. I could hear him fighting back crying. One of the other kids said, "He got kinda scared when we couldn't get out of the maze and wanted to find his parents." We both hugged him and reassured him it was ok. Soon he calmed down and we went back to playing at the farm, but he didn't get too far from us the rest of the day.

Now, let me ask you a question: Do we look like this when we are separated from God? Not that we could ever truly get away from God being omnipresence, but we can choose to be "separated" from Him. When we choose sin over Jesus or ourselves and our desires over His. There are even times that God "pulls away" from us for a time. But do we miss Him? Are we so dependent on Jesus that if He isn't where we can get to Him that we get scared? Would we run to Jesus, cling to Him, and bury our face in His chest when we found Him?

David expresses such a relationship with God in Psalm 27:1, 9:

The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom should I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom should I be afraid? ... Do not hide Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger. You have been my help; do not leave me or abandon me, God of my salvation.

 In Christ,
jon walton
back to C3

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Deserved That...

I was driving on the interstate through a city about a week ago. I had been out of town for a while and was looking forward to getting back to friends and family.

In my hurry to get back, I may have been driving slightly over the speed limit. As I was cruising in the fast lane, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I look to my right to see a Tennessee State Trooper waving at me. My heart sank and I felt sick to my stomach. I knew what was coming next. I was completely in the wrong and "I really wanted to get home" was not a good enough reason to be speeding. I prepared to get what I deserved.

The Trooper then smiled and waved his hand up and down with a flat palm signaling me to "slow down." I waved back to say "thanks" and quickly decreased my rate of acceleration.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, this is what we get, mercy. We deserve to pay for r crimes, our sins, but Jesus gives us second chances. If Jesus forgives and gives mercy to us and we are trying to be like Him, shouldn't we give forgive and show mercy to each other?

Thanks for the mercy extended to me God and Tennessee State Trooper!

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, September 23, 2011


I usually like to use this space to send an encouraging word or thought provoking message. Something that would either brighten your day, or cause you to think about your relationship with Jesus Christ. But today I am doing something different. I'm asking you to pray.

Nicole, a girl in the youth group I am privileged to shepherd, has been sick for over 2 months now. She has been to doctors, specialists, chiropractors, and many others and no one can seem to pinpoint exactly what is going on. I have seen her suffer the entire time with severe headaches, joint pain, hot flashes, weakness, and extreme fatigue. This is incredibly difficult for me who thinks of her as a daughter, but for her actual parents, brother, and grandparents, this entire ordeal has been just draining.

So I am asking you please, pray and pass this on to get more people praying. I have seen how powerful prayer is first hand with my wife and son.

The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will restore him to health; (James 5:15a HCSB)

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, September 2, 2011

You Stink...

I was driving up my driveway to my house the other day and Rosemary, my indoor dog, ran to the truck as I was pulling in. When Rosemary is outside and my wife is coming home, she lets Rosemary ride with her to the house. So, in like manner I opened my truck door and said, "Come on, Rosey." Excitedly, she wagged her tail, squatted down, and leaped into my lap. I almost got sick. "Rosey! You stink!" I shouted as the distinct smell of a dead animal filled my nostrils. One of my outdoor dogs had killed a opossum and brought her trophy to the front yard. Apparently, Rosemary had came to it and decided to roll in it. And now, she was in my lap in a confined space, the cab of my truck.

This is how sin affects our lives. For Rosemary, it was fun to roll in that dead animal. Why? I really have no idea. For some reason, it must be enjoyable to her. It is the same reason why people continue in some sin. It is enjoyable for a time. However, just as Rosemary stunk to high heaven, sin leave a foul odor on us. The guilt and shame of it can linger with us for quite a while. When other people find out about it, it is repulsive to them. Just like a dog who has rolled in a dead animal, everyone can tell what we have been doing. As soon as I brought Rosemary in the house, my wife could tell what the dog had done.

Rosemary needed a bath. Quickly. So do we when we sin. We need to get the stench off of us. How? By asking for forgiveness from God and repenting(that means turning away from) of our sin. After I gave Rosemary a bath she was playful, smelled good, and got attention and love. The same it true for us. When we repent, God heals us. He removes the smell of sin and replaces it with a pleasing aroma. This is evident in our lives.

Therefore repent and turn back, that your sins may be wiped out so that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. - Acts 3:19

In Christ,
jon walton
Back To Crossroads

Thursday, August 11, 2011

For Whom the Lord Loves...

Isaiah(my son) & I were riding in my truck the other day to take care of some errands. While driving, my wife called. We began talking about a reward for Isaiah because he had broken a bad habit and had promised him that if he did we would get him something. When I hung up the phone, I told Isaiah what we had decided. Isaiah, in a sweet innocent voice, said, "Ok. I didn't hear what you told mom." I really didn't think anything about it, I just kept driving.

A moment later, Isaiah said, "Dad, I didn't really lie to you..." this wasn't the innocent voice he had just used. This was a timid, almost fearful voice. He continued, "...when I said I didn't hear what you said to mommy, I really did. But I didn't really lie to you."

First off, how many of us would even think this was important enough to bring up? He was in the clear. I wasn't asking him about it, or trying to get him to confess, he did this on his own. I think many of us would look at how unimportant this was and would just let it go. But something else was happening here. Isaiah was experiencing something. He was feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit, something lots of people don't like to talk about.

I explained to Isaiah that he did lie, but what he was feeling was actually good. Why? Because of Proverbs 3:12:

"For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights."

It took a while, but Isaiah did finally understand. He knew that he had sinned and that actually broke his heart. He even cried when he realized that he did lie an it was a sin. But I didn't stop with just him understanding that he had sinned. I explained that because he felt this way, it was a confirmation that God loves him. Then I got to share 1 John 1:9:

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

I told Isaiah that I forgive him and helped him ask God for forgiveness.

So knowing all this now, has God been showing you correction in your life? What do you need to ask forgiveness for? Just something to think about.

In Christ,
jon walton

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't You Know What I've Been Through?

I was thinking of a situation that happened to a couple of friends of mine not long ago. I'll give you the quick recap. Also, it should be known that both friends openly say they are following Jesus Christ. We will call them Bob and Jane to keep it clear. No, those are not their real names, heh.

Jane cursed in a public setting.
Bo said that Jane shouldn't use language like that. Bob did this in the same public setting
Jane responded that if Bob had been through what Jane had, he would curse too. Jane said Bob shouldn't pass judgment on her and Bob was wrong for doing so.
Bob and Jane are no longer friends.

As I thought about this situation, I can see where both Bob and Jane where not handling the situation very well, however one thing really stood out to me. Since when does going through something difficult make it ok to not be Christlike if you are redeemed by Jesus? Are we still not ambassadors for Jesus if things are hard? Are the consequences different if we are going through a difficult season in our lives? Absolutely not! But this is a pretty common thought isn't it?

Now don't get me wrong, I am not passing judgment on Jane. I think we all make mistakes and we all defiantly NEED grace and forgiveness. However, a difficult situation does not justify or excuse ungodly behavior. Basic reality is that we are called to be different than those who are not following Christ. We are called to be above reproach, regardless of what we are going through. 1 John 2:1 puts describes this notion wonderfully:

"My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ the righteous One"

Just something to think about.

In Christ,
jon walton
back to C3

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Home safely...

We just pulled into the church parking lot safe and sound. Thanks so much for your prayers! We are going to shower and get some sleep, but feel free to ask us about the trip. We would love to share with you!

In Christ,
jon walton

Back In Atlanta...

We have all made it safely back to Atlanta! While we are glad to be heading home, we all feel like we have left a part of us in Ecuador. The smiles we left behind, the impression they made on us, and the ministry of Casa de Fe will continue on long after we are at home and in our beds tonight. Thank you again for all your prayers. I'll write another short post when we get back to Newport, TN. until that time some travel mercy prayers would be greatly appreciated.

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 6, Our Last Day at Casa de Fe...

Today is truly bitter-sweet. It is our last day here. Tomorrow morning we will be heading out to Quito, doing some shopping, then heading to the airport to begin our journey home.

It is a sad to think that in 1.5 hours from writing this, we won't get to see these kids again for a year. They have had such an impact on all of us.

It is really hard for me to put into words the feelings we are sharing as a team, but one thing was made clear last night during our debrief time: We don't want to leave, but if we must we will be coming back.

You remember that construction we did on Tuesday? Here are the results:

That is an entire celling for the first level / floor for the second level poured and ready to go. But there is still so much more to do.

We will work as hard as we can for what time we have left.

These guys are very special. (From left to right: Edison, Fredde, Hernan, Luis, Flavio, Jaime) These are the "Masters" of construction here that have been leading us. They are amazing. All followers of Jesus Christ, all a joy to work with, and I can't wait to see them again next year.

In case you haven't gotten the message yet, we will be coming back. I will start planning for next year when I get back to the states. You should come. This is why...

Need I say more?

In Christ,
jon walton

P.S. I won't have a chance to write again until I get back to Atlanta.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Days 4 & 5 at Casa de Fe...

First off Diane & Brian are both doing better and back to serving! Praise God!

Second, sorry I didn't get to write yesterday, here is why:

We were pouring concrete on the second floor of the school they are building and it was all hands on deck!

We worked from 7:00 am till 9:00 pm. Everyone was pretty beat, including me, so I just decided to wait and write this morning.

Now, I've done construction before, but this was a whole new ballgame. We had to lift the crane by hand up to the second floor which was really a challenge, but it is amazing what the human body can do. After that we were all given a job and told we would be doing that all day. At first it seemed odd that we had that many people, but once we got started it really went like a well oiled machine!

We all worked all day an we were all exhausted at the end of the day, but we got done!

Today, some people will go back up to the work site and start taking down the boards and poles while the rest of us will work in the orphanage. Thanks so much for your continued prayers!

In Christ,
jon walton

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 3 At Casa de Fe...

I'd like to ask a couple of prayer requests to start off. We got word last night that Kristy Timmons's grandfather passed away Friday night. She is doing ok, but prayers for her and her family. Also, Brian Dorsey needed to go see a doctor today. Nothing too serious, he had an ear ache and we just wanted to take every precaution.

This place is amazing. We spent the afternoon yesterday just being with the kids here at Casa de Fe. Some of us took them to a local playground here in Shell, while the rest of us stayed behind and watched another group ride bikes. It was great to just be with them.

I was talking to a volunteer today who told me how much happier these kids are now that they have room to not be on top of each other. It's a reminder that the construction we are doing is helping so much.

Today we started working with the master construction workers on a school they are building on the grounds of the orphanage.

Those of us who didn't go to the construction site stayed to help the Tias (the ladies who work at the orphanage) work in the orphanage. These kids are so sweet.

God is working strongly in us. We will do all we can to help while we are here, but we will also do all we can once we get home.

We will keep working and hanging out for the next few days till we come back. Thanks again for your continued prayers!

In Christ,
Jon Walton


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 2 At Casa de Fe

I have an Internet connection once a day, so I will be writing then and will try to fill in the rest of the previous day as well as what we are planning to do for the current day.

Yesterday we meet back up with Dan & Brian to help unload 2 trucks full of supplies from a closing guesthouse. It was pretty eye opening. Things we would throw away because they were too old or worn out, these people see as having great value. Desks, doors, the hinges, door knobs, power outlets, wires, and so much more. It was really incredible.

After that, we practiced for the skit and songs we are doing for the worship service we are leading with children at Casa de Fe. It was planned to be a mini VBS type service.

This morning we got up and lead the children in a service. They really response well!

We are having a lot of fun, but we can all tell even at this early stage it will be very hard to leave. These children are so wonderful. Thanks so much for your prayers.

This afternoon we will spend the rest of the day hanging out with the kids. Tomorrow the men will start working on one of the new buildings for the orphanage.

On a side note, Diane Watkins is feeling under the weather and taking a day of rest today. Nothing too serious, just not feeling well. I'm sure she would appreciate an extra prayer.

In Christ,
jon walton

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Day At Casa de Fe...

We are getting to spend a lot of time at Casa de Fe today. We just spent an hour with the babies. It was very hard to put these wonderful kids down, but I understand that they are on a schedule and the last thing we want to do is make it harder on the workers. Since we are getting here on a weekend, we get to do all the fun stuff first, then work and help teach classes starting on Monday. I'll be uploading pics as I can to my Facebook account (click here). I'll still do a few pics here, but many more will be there. Thanks so much for your continued prayers!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome to Shell! We have made it safely to Shell and got settled in to the HCJB guesthouse. Then we got to stop by Casa de Fe and see the kids for a short time.While it was great, it was very moving to see these beautiful creations of God who had been at one time or another abandoned. There were more than a few tears shed for these kids.

 Dan Williams and Brian Dorsey stayed an extra night in Quito to help move some stuff to Casa de Fe. They will meet back up with us tomorrow.

Everyone is doing great and in good health. Tomorrow we will get to spend most of the day with the children. Thanks for your continued prayers!

In Christ, 
jon walton

Waking up in Quito.

We all woke up this morning looking much more rested than we all looked last night. We will be getting on a bus for Shell. No one is sick (praise God!) and all of us are excited. I'll try to post again tonight before we go to bed! 

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, June 30, 2011

We Are All Safely In Ecuador!

We have all made it safely to Ecuador! The flight was good. I am amazed already by our team. There was almost no complaining the entire day. Even though we traveled all day in cars, trains, and planes, everyone is in great moods and looking forward to a good nights sleep! We were greeted warmly here at the OMS Guest house with snacks, sodas, and beds! Thanks again for all your prayers!

As of now, our plan for tomorrow is to get up and have breakfast at 7:30 am, then head to Shell, stopping at a mall on the way to get some supplies for our week there. Brian Dorsey and Dan Williams volunteered to stay behind in the morning and help move some stuff from one of the missionary guest homes here in Quito to Casa de Fe in Shell. They will meet back up with us tomorrow afternoon.

I'll make another post tomorrow God willing.

In Christ,
jon walton

We are checked into the airport and waiting to board our plane. We are excited, nervous, and really looking forward to what God has in store for us all! We meet up with Cheralyne, a young lady from Canada, who is going to work at Casa De Fe the same week as us. Thanks for your prayers!

We have made it safely to Atlanta. We will be checking into the airport soon and I will have at least one more update before we fly out. Everyone is very excited to get on the plane! Ecuador here we come!

Here we go! We just left Northport Baptist Church at 9:25 am. I'll give as many updates as I can till we get on the plane! Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1 day.

That's all that's left before 14 people get on an airplane and fly to Ecuador to help orphans and the workers of an orphanage as much as we can. It's hard to comprehend that the time is actually at hand. Please pray for us as we go. Here are the names of the people who make up this missionary team:

Dr. Steve Manock
Abby Manock
Diane Watkins
Kristy Timmons
Dan Williams
Brian Dorsey
Lukas Williams
Dawn Sams
Chris Hogan
Wendy Hogan
Andy Hogan
Missy Walton
Isaiah Walton
Jon Walton

14 people who on their own are nothing special, but when we allow ourselves to be used by God we are able to reach out to the least of these.

Thank you all so much for your support financially and through prayers. We could not have done it without all you gave. Check back here for updates all week long.

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Your Feelings Lie...

I have been talking to several youth lately who are dealing with lots of "feelings." Some of them are battling with heartbreak over a relationship that didn't work out, some are dealing with pain from long ago, some are smitten with love, some are furious with rage, and some are just trying to figure out what they are feeling. One thing they have all had in common is this phrase, "I feel _____, but I don't know why."

This happens to almost all of us. I have a friend who asked for prayer for one of these moments of "feelings." There was a lot of wisdom in his words. Here's how our conversation went:

Him: "Hey man, could you pray for me? I feel really depressed."
Me: "Sure, everything ok?"
Him: "Yeah, this happens sometimes. I feel really down, but I know that if I just press through it in a few days it will be better. Just stinks while I'm going through it."

I think this stems from the fact that we are all "broken." Since Adam and Eve first sinned against God, we as a people have been messed up. Our "feelings" are messed up along with that. In fact, they flat out lie to us sometimes. We can be having a great day and suddenly we feel sad or discouraged. There could be no reason for it. God knows this about us and warned against it in Jeremiah 17:9-10:

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. 

Now, I know this may sound harsh or simple, but it really is one of the best solutions to "feeling bad" for no reason. Keep going. Keep doing what is right. Keep going. Pray to God for strength, ask friends to help, but just keep going. Your feelings can lie. They can tell you everything is falling apart when it isn't. Keep going. It will get better. And if you are trusting in Jesus, it will all be ok.

In Christ,
jon walton
Back to C3

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Have you ever been around someone who is extremely selfish? You know the kind of person I mean. The kind of person who only cares about their own wants, needs, desires, problems, and life. The kind of person who always puts themself before others. When you come in contact with a person like that what is your response? Do you just want to get away from them? Do you want to set them straight? Do you feel sorry for them?

What about you, are you selfish or selfless? We all have selfish tendencies that we fight against I think, but what wins over in your life most of the time? Look at these statements and see which you lean more toward:
If being selfish means you think you are better than others, then being selfless means you consider others before yourself.
If being selfish means you think your problems are more important than others problems, then being selfless means you attend to others problems before your own. (within reason)
If being selfish means you think what you want is more important than what others want, or even need, then being selfless means you consider how your actions will affect others.
If being selfish means you put yourself first, then being selfless means you put yourself last.

Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of being selfless and Paul later emphisied it in his letter to the Philippians.

Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not [only] for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. - Philippians 2:1-8

Being selfless is difficult, but not impossible. It is possible through the direction and guidance of Jesus Christ and by drawing on Him for the strength to do it.

In Christ,
jon walton

Back to C3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

That Meant So Much...

My wife is awesome. For the past two weeks, I have been extremely busy. I have not had anytime to help out with the house work. Missy has been working on her master's degree as well as working full time, so I have been doing all I can to help out. But, as I said, I have just been too busy to help out for a bit. I came home late the other night expecting to do laundry. I knew I had my last clean pair of jeans on and was expecting to have a late night. I came in and heard the dryer running. Missy was already in bed, but had started the laundry so I didn't have to stay up. It was such a relief. I could wait till they are done, hang them up and get some sleep. It meant so much to me. She was busy, but still took the time to help me out. It wasn't a big grand gesture of love, its not like she had to think about what would help me, she just saw something that needed done and did it. Its not always the big stuff that sticks or means the most. It really doesn't take much to fulfill John 15:17, "This is what I command you: love one another."
Show someone you love them today. It doesn't have to be big or extravagant.

In Christ,
jon walton
Back to C3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Being There...

Everything we do is a learning experience to some degree. Since I have accepted the call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and became a pastor I have learned a lot of things. I have learned that some people will always be encouraging. I have learned that some people will always be critical. I have learned that some people really need to be loved. I have learned that some people really appreciate it when kindness is handed their way and some people will never notice. I have learned almost all this through personal experience in the past few years. I have also learned that some things I was scared of are really simple.

One of the things I really had no idea how to do was "visits." If someone is in the hospital, or sick, or feeling depressed, or had just lost a loved one or friend, I have known several pastors in the past who had gone to visit them. Now, I have a pretty outgoing personality. I can make friends easily and I can get along with pretty much anyone, but for some reason the thought of going and sitting with someone in those situations just scared me. What if I say something stupid? What if I go when they don't want me there? What if I do something that irritates them? I just had no idea what I was suppose to do. However, through experience, God has given me exactly what to do.

Be there.

I have learned that just the presence of someone who cares means so much more than what is said, done, or even thought. And while this thought may not have occurred to you before (like it didn't for me) the same is probably true for you. Think of a time when you were going through something difficult. Something you didn't think you could handle. If you had someone who didn't really have any advice or the solution, (like a spouse, child, friend, fellow church member) it still help that they were just there. Just to know that they cared and were there if you needed them.

In the book of Job, chapter 2:11-13, some of Job's friends had heard that he was suffering.

Now when Job's three friends—Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite—heard about all this adversity that had happened to him, each of them came from his home. They met together to go and offer sympathy and comfort to him. When they looked from a distance, they could [barely] recognize him. They wept aloud, and each man tore his robe and threw dust into the air and on his head. Then they sat on the ground with him seven days and nights, but no one spoke a word to him because they saw that his suffering was very intense.

Did you catch that last sentence? No acts of healing. No over showing of affection. No words of wisdom. They were just being there for their friend. Oh, and they weren't pastors either! Do you know someone whose suffering is intense right now? They could probably use a friend to be there for them.

In Christ,
jon walton

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well, as soon as the weather warms up, seems like so does our schedules. Sports, yard work, events, and so many other things start up in Spring. There are just tons of things going on! I don't know about you, but for the past few weeks I have barely sat down. With all these things going on, its easy to see where some problems would come in.
Just this past weekend, I actually triple booked. I had a youth event in Newport, my son had a Karate tournament in KY, and I had completely forgotten about our college group in Bybee. Yeah, it was a busy weekend!
When we get this busy, unfortunately many times we sacrifice the wrong things to make more time available. We give up time with family, time to rest, and most importantly time with God. We go and go and go and if we aren't careful to stop and listen, we could miss something great God has for us. How often we forget that we have access to the creator of the universe, who is all knowing and will guide us if we would only slow down, spend time with Him, and ask.

Think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. - Proverbs 3:6

Remember to take the time to spend time with Jesus.

In Christ,
jon walton

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An Awesome Family...

God has blessed me with a wonderful family. My wife has always been there for me when I have needed her. She is caring and compassionate and her passion for serving God is inspiring to me. My son is so much fun. He can almost always make me laugh, he has a wonderful personality, is obedient (most of the time), and is a blessing to my life as well as my wife's. God has given me a great family.

There is another family I am blessed with that is truly awesome. God's family. The group of believers I serve with at Crossroads are truly remarkable. They call when they know I am in distress. They pray for me at all times. They are there when I want to have fun. They love me and my family. They are truly awesome. I am so glad they take the word of God seriously:

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing. - 1 Thes. 5:11

Thank you family of God. May He bless you more than you deserve. And I hope I can be a fraction of the blessing you have been to me.

In Christ,
jon walton

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Go-To Guy...

As I watch my son grow, see the decisions he makes, and watch him face difficulties of various kinds, I notice that he has a go-to guy. Me. When he is happy and excited, he comes to me and wants to share it with me. When he is hurt, be it physical or emotional, he comes to me for comfort. When he is stressed or frustrated about something, he comes and asks me to fix it or help him. When he wants something, he asks me to get it for him. He turns to me for almost everything. Why? Because he has learned that I care for him. He has learned that if I can and it is permissible, I will do anything for him. Sometimes he gets mad at me, but he soon realizes that he wants me in his life and that I provide for him. He has learned that I love him and want the best for him.

It got me thinking, "Who is my go-to person?" Is it a friend? My wife? My dad? No, I have learned that Jesus is my go-to person. He has been there for me when all others have turned away. When I thought I was on my own, He has been there. When I have been mad at almost everyone, He has been there. When I have needed guidance, He has been there. When I have faced trials, troubles, temptations, difficulties, heartache, and sorrow, He has been there. Jesus is faithful to me. He cares for me. He has taught me, even through discipline, that He loves me.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you. - 1 Peter 5:6,7

Thank you Jesus, for caring about me. Thanks for being my go-to guy.

In Christ,
jon walton

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ministered To...

This past Sunday, and for about a week now, our whole family has been sick. Sunday though, it hit us all pretty hard. Missy stayed in bed all day, Isaiah just laid on the couch and watched movies, and I went to church long enough to help set up and get though Kidstuf with what was planned. Right after that, I went home and crashed. We were all feeling pretty bad. Then God did something amazing. One of my youth texted me and said, "Hey, we are bringing you supper at 5:00." I was moved. I texted back, "You don't have to do that." The reply was "Too late, already got it started. See you then!"

I always think its kinda funny when I hear people say, "That's the pastor's job." Or, "That's not something I am gifted in." You may not be called to preach, but can you cook? You may not be able to cook, but could you send a card? Can you make a phone call? Send a text? You may not be able to get off work to sit with someone in a hospital, but could you pray for them? We are all called to minister to each other.

That warm meal and knowing that someone cared enough to fix it with out me asking meant a lot to our family. Thanks so much. You know who you are. I won't say who it was, but I have no doubt that God will bless them. Even ministers need to be ministered to. We can all minister to each other. Its just using what God has blessed you with to bless others. How can you help?

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

You're Welcome Here...

I recently had two very different experiences with two people regarding Crossroads. In fact, it was two instances that were really polar opposites. Looking back on the two, I see God working in both situations and in me.

Experience 1: I was getting a haircut recently and the young woman had a tattoo on her hand. One thing I have learned about people with tattoos is that they love to talk about their tattoos, so I began a conversation about them. She said the one on hand was one of many. I told her how I never could get one, but she explained how much she loved them. She told me how she also wanted to one day go to Hollywood and cut hair of famous people. I told her that I was a youth pastor and that is what one of my youth wanted to do as well. (I always look for an opportunity to steer the conversation toward God. Thanks Franklin Graham.) She said she always wanted to go back to church, but she never felt welcome with all her tattoos, piercings, and dyed hair. I smiled and said, "You're welcome at Crossroads. We don't care about that stuff."

Experience 2: Someone visited our church one Sunday because theirs was closed. About a week later this person saw me and for some reason felt the need to criticize Crossroads and the way we held services. He said it wasn't "church," that our women dressed like men, and the preaching was bad because we didn't mention Hell once. He was doing this loudly in a public place. Now, I would like to say that I handled this situation with all grace and understanding. Being patient with him and calmly disagreeing with him. That is what I would like to say. Truth is, I got mad. Really mad. I asked him to go outside and in a rather stern voice told him, "I love you, but don't bad mouth my church." We argued a bit and I ended the conversation with, "If you don't agree with how we serve Jesus, that's fine, but you don't need to bad mouth us to me."

As I sat and thought about the second experience, I realized that people like him are the reason the girl with tattoos won't go back to church. Because too many people see what they don't like as sin instead of seeing sin as something they don't like. Be wary of comments like "That's just always the way we have done it." and "That's the way I was raised." We can not allow our feelings or what we think is right to over ride what the Word of God says.

Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ. - Colossians 2:8

"God, may I turn to you for wisdom. Jesus, may I turn to you for forgiveness. Holy Spirit, my I turn to you for direction. And may others called by Your Name do the same. Amen."

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Strange Peace...

With all that is going on with our church right now, it is just odd that so many people have peace. if you don't know, the theater where Crossroads Community Church meets closed its doors on December 31st, 2010. What did that mean for us? Well, we were originally told on a Friday that we had the following Sunday and that was it. Now, for pretty much everyone that should induce panic mode. That should be the cue to freak out and scramble to find somewhere else for a growing congregation to meet. But something amazing happened. The leadership of the church didn't. In fact I don't think anyone in the church did. Did we talk about it? Sure. But instead of going into panic or freak out mode, we prayed. We all talked about the fact that we really were not worried, but we had peace about the situation. You see, I believe(as do all the leadership and most of the members of Crossroads) we serve a God that is bigger than where we meet. He meant it when He promised "I will never leave you nor forsake you." God meant it when He said, "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not destroy you." My God is just that awesome.

So what happened? Well, the theater is closing, but God provided a way for us to stay for a bit longer anyway. The board of investors of the theater meet and agreed that we should stay until the theater sells. I don't know what God will do next, but I do know that He is showing just how faithful He is. God is going to give us something better than what we have had. He is still working miracles in the midst of all this.

How do I know Jesus is still working miracles? Because in the midst of all this, my 6 year old son, Isaiah, told me last night, "Dad, I want to ask Jesus into my heart." And he did. At a time when its seems like things could go very wrong, God makes things go very, very right. Thanks God. You are always my Lord. Thanks Jesus, for saving me, my wife, and my son. You are awesome God. And I love You.

In Christ,
jon walton

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