Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 6, Our Last Day at Casa de Fe...

Today is truly bitter-sweet. It is our last day here. Tomorrow morning we will be heading out to Quito, doing some shopping, then heading to the airport to begin our journey home.

It is a sad to think that in 1.5 hours from writing this, we won't get to see these kids again for a year. They have had such an impact on all of us.

It is really hard for me to put into words the feelings we are sharing as a team, but one thing was made clear last night during our debrief time: We don't want to leave, but if we must we will be coming back.

You remember that construction we did on Tuesday? Here are the results:

That is an entire celling for the first level / floor for the second level poured and ready to go. But there is still so much more to do.

We will work as hard as we can for what time we have left.

These guys are very special. (From left to right: Edison, Fredde, Hernan, Luis, Flavio, Jaime) These are the "Masters" of construction here that have been leading us. They are amazing. All followers of Jesus Christ, all a joy to work with, and I can't wait to see them again next year.

In case you haven't gotten the message yet, we will be coming back. I will start planning for next year when I get back to the states. You should come. This is why...

Need I say more?

In Christ,
jon walton

P.S. I won't have a chance to write again until I get back to Atlanta.

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