Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 3 At Casa de Fe...

I'd like to ask a couple of prayer requests to start off. We got word last night that Kristy Timmons's grandfather passed away Friday night. She is doing ok, but prayers for her and her family. Also, Brian Dorsey needed to go see a doctor today. Nothing too serious, he had an ear ache and we just wanted to take every precaution.

This place is amazing. We spent the afternoon yesterday just being with the kids here at Casa de Fe. Some of us took them to a local playground here in Shell, while the rest of us stayed behind and watched another group ride bikes. It was great to just be with them.

I was talking to a volunteer today who told me how much happier these kids are now that they have room to not be on top of each other. It's a reminder that the construction we are doing is helping so much.

Today we started working with the master construction workers on a school they are building on the grounds of the orphanage.

Those of us who didn't go to the construction site stayed to help the Tias (the ladies who work at the orphanage) work in the orphanage. These kids are so sweet.

God is working strongly in us. We will do all we can to help while we are here, but we will also do all we can once we get home.

We will keep working and hanging out for the next few days till we come back. Thanks again for your continued prayers!

In Christ,
Jon Walton


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