Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1 day.

That's all that's left before 14 people get on an airplane and fly to Ecuador to help orphans and the workers of an orphanage as much as we can. It's hard to comprehend that the time is actually at hand. Please pray for us as we go. Here are the names of the people who make up this missionary team:

Dr. Steve Manock
Abby Manock
Diane Watkins
Kristy Timmons
Dan Williams
Brian Dorsey
Lukas Williams
Dawn Sams
Chris Hogan
Wendy Hogan
Andy Hogan
Missy Walton
Isaiah Walton
Jon Walton

14 people who on their own are nothing special, but when we allow ourselves to be used by God we are able to reach out to the least of these.

Thank you all so much for your support financially and through prayers. We could not have done it without all you gave. Check back here for updates all week long.

In Christ,
jon walton

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