Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Strange Peace...

With all that is going on with our church right now, it is just odd that so many people have peace. if you don't know, the theater where Crossroads Community Church meets closed its doors on December 31st, 2010. What did that mean for us? Well, we were originally told on a Friday that we had the following Sunday and that was it. Now, for pretty much everyone that should induce panic mode. That should be the cue to freak out and scramble to find somewhere else for a growing congregation to meet. But something amazing happened. The leadership of the church didn't. In fact I don't think anyone in the church did. Did we talk about it? Sure. But instead of going into panic or freak out mode, we prayed. We all talked about the fact that we really were not worried, but we had peace about the situation. You see, I believe(as do all the leadership and most of the members of Crossroads) we serve a God that is bigger than where we meet. He meant it when He promised "I will never leave you nor forsake you." God meant it when He said, "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not destroy you." My God is just that awesome.

So what happened? Well, the theater is closing, but God provided a way for us to stay for a bit longer anyway. The board of investors of the theater meet and agreed that we should stay until the theater sells. I don't know what God will do next, but I do know that He is showing just how faithful He is. God is going to give us something better than what we have had. He is still working miracles in the midst of all this.

How do I know Jesus is still working miracles? Because in the midst of all this, my 6 year old son, Isaiah, told me last night, "Dad, I want to ask Jesus into my heart." And he did. At a time when its seems like things could go very wrong, God makes things go very, very right. Thanks God. You are always my Lord. Thanks Jesus, for saving me, my wife, and my son. You are awesome God. And I love You.

In Christ,
jon walton

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