Friday, June 8, 2012

Mfuge Day 5: Bitter Sweet...

Well, another Mfuge is almost over. We have only a closing celebration tomorrow morning before we leave and then we will be making our way back to East TN. The last day is always good, but difficult. Already people are talking about not wanting to leave and not wanting this to end. But there is a season for everything. While the season of Mfuge is closing for us this year, the spiritual connection we have made doesn't have to. I pray we take home what we have learned here tonight. Parents, thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to pour into your children's lives. Leaders, thank you so much for your incredible help this week. God, thank you so much for moving our youth group this week to a closer place with you. May we seek to bring you glory in everything we do.

In Christ,
jon walton

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