Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mfuge Day 2: Connecting...

Day 2 of Mfuge is in the tank, and with it are some incredible events that have made strong impressions on us all. After a powerful day of ministering to others, we had a very strong worship time tonight that brought many youth and leaders to tears. God is moving. God is revealing Himself to so many people here at Belmont this year. But this is just the start. We have 2 full days left to keep connecting to Him before we leave this location, but the connecting doesn't stop there.

With so many of us seeking and finding Jesus, Satan is certainly getting upset and trying to cause problems. No worries though, because my God can not be thwarted! Not by scheme of man nor power of Hell! My God reigns!

Keep us in your prayers as we continue to serve God this week!

In Christ,
jon walton

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