Monday, June 4, 2012

Mfuge Day 1: Giddy...

We are at Belmont in Nashville, TN for Mfuge this year. We got here today, checked in, ate some dinner and had just a bit of free time to roam the campus before the first evening show. While walking around Abbie, one of my amazing youth, looked and me smiling and said, "Ha, ha, ha, you're giddy Jon!" Well, maybe I am!

Mfuge is always powerful. It is a week of getting away from the things in life that bog us down in routine and gives us the opportunity to focus on God and serving others. It moves not only the people we minister to, but also the youth and leaders who are ministering!

Yeah, I guess I am a bit excited, even giddy, about the opportunity that God has given us this week!

Well, its late, but check back each day for a new update!

In Christ,
jon walton

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