Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 6: Last Day with the Kids...

First off, sorry for not writing yesterday, the internet here decided not to work. I'll double blog yesterday and today now.

Yesterday was a hard working day. It didn't rain, so that means it was hot! We continued working on projects from the previous day, and then did VBS again with these kids. Let me just tell you, I don't think the kids will ever forget the story of Saul & David in the cave! A great time was had by all.

Today was our last day at work and with the kids. Most of us worked, however Mackenzie Sampson and I made an unexpected trip to Poyo. It seems that while working yesterday, she broke a bone in her foot. So we got it x-rayed and set. She's doing ok, but prayers would be greatly appreciated!

This will be my last post until we are back in the states. Early tomorrow morning we leave for Quito to start home. Prayers for safe travels would be great!

In Christ,
jon walton

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