Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 3: A Day of "Rest"

On Sundays here, pretty much nothing work wise goes on. That doesn't mean we didn't get to have some amazing experiences. 
This morning we got to go to church with some of the older kids from Casa de Fe. It was an amazing moment of worship when singing songs to The Lord in different languages!

After that, we grabbed some lunch and then headed back to Casa de Fe for a jungle hike with some of the local missonaries. It was a steep, muddy trail, but it was incredibly beautiful!

Ben got really into it...

Tomorrow, we will start VBS with the kids, and construction. They have several projects lined up for us and I am so excited to get started! A couple of prayer requests:
Mackenzie twisted her ankle today, please add her to the injured list.
Carrie Frederick & Dakota Keller are feeling sick, please pray for them.

In Christ,
jon walton

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