Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 6: Last Day with the Kids...

First off, sorry for not writing yesterday, the internet here decided not to work. I'll double blog yesterday and today now.

Yesterday was a hard working day. It didn't rain, so that means it was hot! We continued working on projects from the previous day, and then did VBS again with these kids. Let me just tell you, I don't think the kids will ever forget the story of Saul & David in the cave! A great time was had by all.

Today was our last day at work and with the kids. Most of us worked, however Mackenzie Sampson and I made an unexpected trip to Poyo. It seems that while working yesterday, she broke a bone in her foot. So we got it x-rayed and set. She's doing ok, but prayers would be greatly appreciated!

This will be my last post until we are back in the states. Early tomorrow morning we leave for Quito to start home. Prayers for safe travels would be great!

In Christ,
jon walton

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 4: Hard Work & Awesome Worship...

Sorry for the late blogging today, we have had a busy day. 

It started with us rising early to go to work at La Casa de Fe. Today was our first day of construction and as it does often here in Ecuador, it was raining. Hard. We walked there (1.5 miles) in the rain, then began work on various projects... In the rain. Some people were clearing pipe lines from overgrown weeds and grass, some people were cleaning out drainage lines that had gotten stopped up, some people were using shovels and rakes to level land, and some people were helping the teachers at the school to take down their classrooms. It was a hard morning of work, but the rain kept us cool.

After lunch, we had our first day of vbs with the kids. I gotta say, this team did an amazing job at the skit, singing songs in Spanish, playing games with the kids, and working on a craft with them. It was a super fun afternoon!

Lastly, we closed out the day by eating a meal with all the staff at La Casa de Fe. This is volunteers from all over. That was good, but the real treat came afterwards. We all got together and had an amazing time of worship, singing songs and praising our One True King, Jesus. There are no words to express just how amazing this was! They are an amazing group of Christ followers and it was an honor to praise with them.

A couple more days of serving, then we will be heading back to the states. Thanks for all your prayers, as of tonight, everyone seems to be doing good, ankles are healing up and Chris is able to walk pretty well. Keep praying for us!

In Christ,
jon walton

P. S. I'm posting all the pics to my twitter feed. It's just way easier. You can see them by going to and searching for "youthpastorjon"

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 3: A Day of "Rest"

On Sundays here, pretty much nothing work wise goes on. That doesn't mean we didn't get to have some amazing experiences. 
This morning we got to go to church with some of the older kids from Casa de Fe. It was an amazing moment of worship when singing songs to The Lord in different languages!

After that, we grabbed some lunch and then headed back to Casa de Fe for a jungle hike with some of the local missonaries. It was a steep, muddy trail, but it was incredibly beautiful!

Ben got really into it...

Tomorrow, we will start VBS with the kids, and construction. They have several projects lined up for us and I am so excited to get started! A couple of prayer requests:
Mackenzie twisted her ankle today, please add her to the injured list.
Carrie Frederick & Dakota Keller are feeling sick, please pray for them.

In Christ,
jon walton

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 2: Fun with the kids!

Today we got to hang out with the kids. It was a lot of fun! Some of us played soccer with them, (which turned into a mud fight) some of us took some kids to the park, some of us played with the toddlers at La Casa de Fe, and some of us played frisbee and jumped rope with them. Just spending time with these kids is a blessing. 

A couple of prayer request updates:
Chris bought a cane today and has been taking it easy on his knee. He says it's feeling better, but please keep praying for him.
Lee twisted his ankle today. It is wrapped and he is keeping it elevated.

In Christ,
jon walton

Made It! (June 19th blog)

Our team has arrived safely in Shell, Ecuador. It has been a long 24 hours of travel, but The LORD provided everything we needed along the way. 

A couple if prayer requests:

Chris Hogan stepped in a large, deep hole last night at a bathroom stop and his leg is hurting pretty bad. Please pray for healing!

A suitcase was missing at the airport. There were no donations in it, but 2 girls clothes were. Please pray the airport finds it!

We have a full work day ahead of us, pray for strength on our team! Thanks everyone!

In Christ,

jon walton

First Day: Donations and Rest...

Today was a wonderful day. Getting to see old friends is always a blessing, but getting hugs from children you only get to see once a year is amazing. It is a blessing that words cannot fully express.

We turned in all our donations today, toured Casa de Fe, and then just took it easy. We are all pretty exhausted, but at the same time excited. Keep praying for us!

A couple of updates:

A lost bag of luggage has been found! Praise The Lord!

Chris says the prayers are working, his knee is getting better, please keep praying!

In Christ,

jon walton

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fourth Time...

I am incredibly excited as I prepare for my fourth time going to La Casa de Fe in Shell, Ecuador. Someone asked me recently, “Why are you going again?” I am thankful I get questions like that, because it helps me self check my motives. Why am I going?

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27 HCSB)

There is something special about serving those who can give you nothing in return. It is the most selfless thing you can do, because to only return you may get back is a simple “thank you.” Try it sometime. You might be surprised at just how amazing it is.

In Christ,

jon walton

P.S. Check back here starting Thursday, June 19th for daily updates on our trip!

Fourth Time...