Friday, July 30, 2010

What Do I Do In My Free Time?

Well, the results are in. I'm not sure I like them. Now, something I want to be clear about: I'm not changing my numbers to make me look "good." I know a higher authority than man that I will report to for my actions. That includes this blog. A few things to explain on how I calculated my numbers: I only counted FREE time. I did not count my time at work, eating or sleeping(I allowed myself 7 hours of time for sleep each night. Any extra time sleeping I did factor in as Personal Time because I was choosing to sleep as a free time activity.) These numbers are all approximate. I didn't need every single second to get a feel for how I am spending my time. Also, this study is from Monday-Thursday, so its only a part of a week, but it was still good.

God Time = Time I spend reading my Bible, praying, or volunteering for God.
Family Time = Time I spent with my family instead of doing my own thing.
Personal Time = Time I spent doing things for me. (Watching TV, Playing Xbox, etc.)
Here are the numbers for my last week:
I had 10 hours of free time. I'll put them in order from the most time spent to the least time spent.

Family Time = 5 Hours
Personal Time = 3 Hours
God Time = 2 Hours

Ouch. Now, I can make all kinds of excuses for this. Like I spend a lot of time in the Bible studying for Youth Lessons and church on Sunday, but that isn't the same as chosen time with God. Or that I had a particularly busy week, but this was a typical week for me. They are all busy. No, I wanted an honest assessment of my free time and that is what I got. Doesn't matter that it was only 10 hours, what matters is that God is at the bottom of that list. I see 3 hours that I could have spent with God, but didn't. Looks like its time for a change.

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