Friday, July 23, 2010

15 minutes...

For the past few weeks I have been filling out time analysis sheets for my job. Essentially, I have to write down what I am doing for every 15 minute block of the day. Now, I am not upset by this, nor was it done to try and expose any down time I had. It was just something they asked me to do. I have to say, on my end it was a learning experience and really good for me as well.
I got to see how much time I actually spent on each area of my job. How much time I spent updating a website or see specifically that it took me 1 hour to do a mail out. It really shows where you are spending most of your time.
It got me thinking, "What if I did this for my personal life? Where would most of my time be spent? Would I be happy with the end result?" Its a fact that where you spend your resources (time, money, whatever) is where your heart is. Am I ready to see where I am investing my time? I am going to do this next week. I'm not counting my work time, I am taking a time analysis of my free time. My goal is not to change what I am currently doing, but rather just write down what I am doing. Next Friday, I'll let you know the result. Anyone care to do this with me? (I won't publish your results if you choose to participate, that would just be cruel!) It won't be easy or fun, but then again self IMPROVEMENT rarely is.

Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.
-Psalm 90:12

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