Tuesday, January 26, 2010

That's why I don't let you lick me...

I was walking to my neighbor's house to get something and was accompanied by my dog, Daisy. She is a 9 year old Jack Russel and is probably the best dog I have ever had. She is always great with Isaiah, never showing any signs of aggression to him or anyone in the family for that matter. Her tail is constantly wagging, constantly reminding me that she is happy to see me. She keeps the rodent population around the house down and gladly finishes off any scraps we have left over. She takes walks with me when I choose, plays with Isaiah when he wants to, and listens when I give her commands. She is a great dog.

About halfway on our trip, Daisy starts coughing and hacking. Then, suddenly she throws up right beside where I am walking. "You ok?" I asked looking down at her. She looked up at me, tail wagging so hard the body is shaking as if to say, "I feel better now!" We continued on to the neighbor's house, dismissing the incident as something bad she ate. On the way back, Daisy did something that I have seen many dogs do before and to this day it confuses me. As we approached the place where she had threw up, she slowed down and began to sniff her puke, followed by her licking it, then eating some. "Daisy!" I said in a rather disgusted voice. She simply looked up at me with the same brown eyes, tail still wagging as hard as it could. "That's why I don't let you lick me." I told her convincingly.

The incident reminded me of a Bible verse I had memorized as a child because I thought it was funny.

"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness." - Proverbs 26:11

The fact is we are all going to be foolish at one point or another. We are all going to make mistakes. We are all going to do something stupid. We are all going to throw up at some point. It happens. The key is, once you do it, don't go back to it. Don't be a fool. Repeating your foolishness is disgusting. Learn from your mistakes, don't go try to eat them again!

In Christ,
jon walton

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