Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ecuador Days 1 & 2...


Isaiah showing everyone how it’s done!

We have had a great first few days here in Shell! Friday we went on a tour of Casa de Fe and met the Tias (Aunts who take care of the kids at Casa de Fe) and the maestros (Masters of construction). After that, some of us got some time to work on the construction site where they are finishing a large storage shed and laying the foundation for some future homes for the kids.

Those of us who didn’t work at the construction site went to house for a missionary family who is coming in soon. It needed quite a bit of work including cleaning, painting, and getting the house in liveable condition. The house still needs lots of work, but we are ready to do whatever is needed!




Jill, Makenzie, and Andy putting their backs into it!


Ben and Jamie (Maestro) the real masters of construction!

Today, (Saturday) we got to take the kids on an outing to a zoo not far from the orphanage. It was a lot of fun and we got to spend lots of quality time with the toddler age kids from the orphanage.

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And just like anywhere, its always nice to bump into and hang out with old friends!


Lastly, I leave you with this word of wisdom: Everyone has certain people they just relate to very well…


In Christ,

jon walton

Ecuador Days 1 & 2...

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