First off, everyone is doing great. We are all healthy and in good spirits. Thanks for your prayers in that regard!
Today was the last day of VBS with the kids and it was bitter sweet. It was a bit saddening that it was the last day, but the kids were the most excited yet for it! They were singing the songs loud and kept singing them right through the game and craft time. It was so awesome to hear them singing! Later on, we got to play games and worship with the older kids and the tias. It was incredible to see them worship together and to be able to worship with them.
After lunch, we went back to construction. Some of us went back to the site, some of us went back to a missionary house. We are giving all we have to get as much done as possible. We have a couple of work days ahead so we will give it our all to get it done!
Lastly, I am going to experiment with a gallery. All our pics will be here so you can scroll through.
Dinner at Johnny’s Hamburgers
Dinner at Johnny’s Hamburgers
Dinner at Johnny’s Hamburgers
Thanks again for all your prayers!
In Christ,
jon walton
Ecuador Day 6...
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