I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day we have in Shell. It has been an amazing trip and God has moved both in us and through us this week and it has been humbling and exciting all at the same time. I can’t believe it is almost over.
Today, we had an incredible, first time experience. We took a Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) airline flight out to the jungle to meet some of the Waorani, a native tribe of the Amazon rainforest here in Ecuador. We flew on a small, 6 seat airplane to where their tribe was located. They welcomed us by placing a grass crown on our heads and painting our faces, showed us their church, invited us to dance with them, and then shoot a blow dart and throw a spear. It was an amazing experience. Pictures are in the gallery.
After we got back we worked as quickly as we could to clean up the workshop to begin moving in tools and supplies. The workers thanked us for all we had done. It is truly an honor to work with these people who are dedicating years of their lives to serve children who if not for Casa de Fe may not have a chance at life. Thank you Jesus, for allowing us to come!
At the end of the day, Jeff, one of the workers here, took us to a swimming pool / restaurant. It was a lot of fun and a great way to relax after several long days of work.
We have one more half a work day and then we get to take the kids on one more outing in the afternoon. Pray for us as tomorrow will be pretty emotional. Thanks for all your prayers!
In Christ,
jon walton

Getting on the plane!

Shell, Ecuador. Casa de Fe lower right.

The church in the village we went to.

Misty in the welcoming dance.

Isaiah in the welcoming dance.

Ben in the welcoming dance.

Missy may have slipped in the mud.

The pool Jeff took us to. Eco-Park.
Ecuador Day 7...