Friday, April 5, 2013


surreal [ suh-ree-uhl, -reel ]


1. having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic

That is what I feel like when I think that in a few days I will be going to a country where claiming Jesus Christ is your Savior will make you lose your job, be disowned by your family, and possibly be tortured or killed. We have so much freedom here in the United States that we just take for granted. We take our walk with Jesus as casual when around this world people die just to know Him. Before even going, this trip is already changing my life.

Let me encourage you now: Dig deep into the Word of God and come to know His Son, Jesus Christ in an intimate way. There are so many who would go to extremes to get the chance.

I ask that you pray for Pastor Rick and I as we journey. Please pray for our wives and families while we are away. But above all, pray that the name of Jesus Christ is glorified in and through us!

You can follow along on our journey here. I will be posting updates as often as I can. Thanks for your prayers and support!

In Christ,

jon walton


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