Friday, April 12, 2013

Crusade Day 1: Amazing...

We went to the first night of the crusade tonight. In a word, it was amazing! We met under some trees with a small stage and plastic lawn chairs for people to sit in. There was a very basic sound system, some drums and a keyboard. That’s it. Nothing special. I will post some pictures on my twitter account. The amazing part? God.

Over 230 people came to hear the Gospel! They walked, came in cars, ride donkeys, I even saw a van full of people with people sitting on the top of it! Rick was very gracious and let me preach tonight. God moved in such a way that when I finished Pastor Mendy gave an alter call and over 10 people came forward to accept Jesus Christ! Praise God! After that, Pastor Mendy asked that anyone who was suffering with any kind of sickness come forward. They did and all the pastors, Rick and I included, prayed over them. The entire night was just amazing.

We are back at the hotel now. Tomorrow Pastor Mendy will pick us up at 10:00 am and take us into town to meet people again, then tomorrow night Rick will preach at the crusade. Pastor Mendy said there will be more people there tomorrow night, and still more Sunday. I can’t wait!

In Christ,

jon walton

Crusade Day 1: Amazing...

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