We all run into people from time to time that through some simple act completely infuriate us. You know the person I am talking about. That guy that smarted off to you at the wrong time. That drama queen who, just because you mentioned something was out of place, feels the need to go off on you and make sure everyone in a 5 mile radius knows you are the one who is really causing all the problems. That know it all who always corrects you when you don't need it. I think you understand what I'm talking about.
One such instance happened where I work recently. Someone was having a bad day for whatever reason and when asked a question, he quipped back with a snarky remark. The person he addressed had every right to lash out back at him, but instead did something different. This lady came in with not one, but two breakfast pizza's the next day, bought out of her pocket. One for everyone in our department, and one for everyone in the other department where the gentleman who took his frustrations out on her. She responded to harshness with love.
Dr. Dean Haun made this comment once, "We are all cups with some liquid in us. At some point, we are going to be bumped and what is inside, whether it is good or bad, is going to spill out. What would spill out of you?" It is so easy to lash out when we are bumped. It is our natural reaction, but as Paul writes in Colossians 3:13, that should not be our response as followers of Jesus Christ.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
In Christ,
jon walton
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