I'm not sure if you have heard of this group called Family Force Five, but if you haven't, here's a little taste. Take it all in.
There ya go. Now here's the thing, you may have just watched that (or even just part of it) and decided "There's no way that's Christian music!" Fact is, it may not be "Worship Music" but they are all Christians having fun. You won't find any cussing in their lyrics, you won't find worship to Satan in their music, and they give glory to God for their success. What you may have to come to terms with is this type of music isn't for you. Shouldn't be that hard to decide.
We saw them at Spiritsong and while I admit I'm not a big fan, many of the youth are. While watching them on stage, I was just standing and enduring. One of the youth caught my attention and laughed at me as they rocked out and I just stood. "This just isn't your thing, is it?" they screamed so I could hear. "No, but it is yours." I shouted back. I took them there and watched that with them because I love them!
We do all kinds of things for people we love. Things we may not want to do. We clean the house when family is coming over, we go places we rather wouldn't, we hold back things we want to say. All because we love them. Jesus loves us. He did lots of things I'm sure He would have rather not done. His life on Earth wasn't pleasant, it was hard. His death was horrific. But He did it for us, out of choice, because He loves us. (Romans 5:8)
I hope you know today that Jesus Christ loves you. No matter where you are in life, what you have done, what you are going through, Jesus loves you. So much, he paid a debt for you whether you wanted Him to or not. Take a moment today and let that sink in. Jesus loves you.
In Christ,
jon walton
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