Sunday after church, Missy, Isaiah and I all went to Dollywood. One thing about Isaiah, he is not one to very willingly step out of his comfort zone and try new things. For the most part, he likes to do things he KNOWS will be fun and KNOWS all about. Something new is scary. It is, by its very nature, unknown. He is now tall enough to ride the "Veggie Tales Roller Coaster" which is, by any adult's standards, anything but scary. I pointed to it and said, "Hey buddy, lets go ride that."
"NO! I don't want to!" He exclaimed back with all the power he could muster from his 38 lb. body.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Its too scary!" He said.
"Come on buddy, it will be fun!" I said as I picked him up so he could get a better look. "It goes up and down, spins a little and doesn't go that fast. You'll like it!"
"No, I won't!" Isaiah insisted with all assurance as if he had just been given a prophetic word from God.
I hugged him and said, "Come on buddy, I'll ride it with you, ok?"
He looked at the small, multicolored coaster on its curvy purple track, then at me, then back at the coaster. It wasn't an enthusiastic "YES," but it was enough for me to start getting in line.
As we waited at the gate to go in, Isaiah, now standing in front of me, looked up at me with his brown eyes and said, "Daddy, will you hold me tight?" Smiling and reassuring him I said, "Absolutely." As it came our turn I put Isaiah in the car first, then I squeezed in beside him. Let me tell you right now, the cars on the Veggie Tales Roller Coaster are NOT designed for a 6' man. My legs cramped as my knees were shoved into the metal front of the car and the lap bar was forced by an attendant to my lap as it scrubbed down the tops of my legs thus pulling every hair from the top of my leg through my shorts. As the ride started, I put my arm around my son and held onto him. At the first drop, he laughed and yelled, "This is fun!"
At the end of the day, Missy asked Isaiah, "What was your favorite part of today?"
"My favorite was The Veggie Tales Roller Coaster! And I wasn't even scared!" He exclaimed proudly.
Its odd, isn't it? There are things out Father God may ask us to do, yet we say "No! I don't want to!" Why? So often we forget that God is not asking us to do anything alone, but that He will be right beside us(Heb. 13:5-6). And what are we missing out on by NOT doing what God has asked? He knows what He desires to accomplish in our lives. It's time we start letting him. He will hold us tight. Who knows, we could miss out on our "favorite thing."
In Christ,
jon walton
P.S. Please continue to pray for Megan Maxwell. As of 11:45 am this morning, they still had not heard anything.
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