This past Thursday I had a new experience, for the first time I rushed my son to the emergency room. It would seem that while pretending to be Spiderman on my mother-in-law's porch swing, he fell off and hit his head on one of those old school metal Tonka trucks. He is ok, but he wound up getting 2 staples in the back of his little head and a lot of petting from his mom and dad.
Later that night as we were going through our nightly rutine of memory verses, prayer, and goodnight kisses he looked at us and said, "Don't kiss my staples..." Now, at first I thought they were hurting him and he simply didn't want me to touch them, so I responded, "Ok buddy, I won't." His next response almost brought tears to my eyes...
"Yeah, cause they might hurt your lips."
Wow. He had just that day fell off the swing, hurt his head, had a scary time at the emergency room and had forgin objects in his head, yet he is more concerned about us hurting ourselves than it hurting him. He so wonderfully displayed exactly what Paul was writing to the Philipians:
Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not [only] for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. - Philipians 2:4-5 (HCB)
How often we forget this simple, yet powerful teaching. How about you? Are you considering others more important than yourself?
In Christ,
jon walton.
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