Friday, July 19, 2013

Ecuador Day 8...

Today was wonderful, but incredibly sad. We got one last day to finish up some construction projects and then took the kids on an outing to the local park. It was the one last push, then one last goodbye. Many tears were shed as the team walked back to the guesthouse from Casa de Fe. Even now as I write this it is hard to fully realize that it will be another year before I get to come back and see these kids. I know they are well taken care of, they have the tias, volunteers, and amazing staff here a Casa de Fe, but that doesn’t mean I will miss them any less. Today was wonderful, but so incredibly, indescribably sad.

We will be leaving here at 9:00 am EST to begin our journey home. We will tour Quito a bit, get some food, then head to the airport in the evening to catch our flight at 12:30 am EST Sunday morning. Please say a few prayers for travel mercies and that everything we have done here stays with us in the years to come. Thank you again Jesus for an amazing opportunity to minister to orphans!

I’ll update a short post when we get back into the USA.

In Christ,

jon walton


P.S. I’ll upload more pictures when I get home, it’s really, really late at the time of this writing.

Ecuador Day 8...

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