Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Never Pass Up An Opportunity...

Never pass up an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with someone. God always has a plan.

Pastor Rick was talking to the guy who has been cleaning his room. He found out that the gentleman was a Muslim and his wife was a Christian. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s common here. As they talked, Rick asked him, “Have you ever thought about becoming a Christian?” “Yes!” He replied, “I have actually been thinking about it a lot! I like the way Christians are focused, their commitment, and that they only have one wife.”

Rick asked if he believed God was in control of everything? Yes. Rick asked if he believed that our flight could have been cancelled and for us to be delayed for two days just so Rick could share who Jesus was with him. Yes. Rick asked, “Can I lead you in a prayer to trust in Jesus alone in for your salvation?” YES!

God is always at work, we just have to say yes!

In Christ,

jon walton

Never Pass Up An Opportunity...

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