Wednesday, August 8, 2012


For the past few days we have been all hands on deck working on the school for the children at Casa de Fe. We have dug a 120 feet trench for electrical line. In the states, this would have taken 2 to 3 hours with some heavy equipment. However, here it is done by hand. That includes moving 100 pound rocks, swinging pick axes, and moving all the dirt by hand. Not an easy task, but when something needs to be done, God has bonded us together to get it done!

While some of us working on the trench, others were painting the school. Everything here is concrete and it all needs to be painted. There are lots of places to paint. Our team has done a great job painting lots of classrooms, hallways, and ceilings. It really looks great!

We have one more day in Shell then we head to Quito for our flight out. This will most likely be my last post until we get back to the states. Thanks again for all the prayers, donations, and help that have allowed us to have this incredible experience. We are setting dates for next year already. Yup, we are absolutely doing this again. Just let me know sometime if you are interested in going. I know I am already!

In Christ,
jon walton

P. S. here are some extra pics before I go...

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