Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's An Opportunity...

I was going through a drive through with my son, Isaiah, grabbing some supper from a busy day. As we pulled around to the window, we were talking about stealing. I've found that so many things we just know really need to be explained in detail to our kids and I think we all forget that from time to time. I arrived at the window, gave the lady my money and she handed me my change. When I checked it, she had given me back an extra $5 bill. I had a decision to make, keep it or give it back. I was tempted to keep it.

Isn't it funny how God does that? I was in the middle of explaining what stealing is to my 7 year old son by saying stealing is taking anything that doesn't belong to you without asking permission and now God is giving me a chance to display exactly what I was saying with words. But with every chance to do something good, something bad can be done just as easily. Or is it the other way around? You see, when we are tempted, it is an opportunity to show Jesus that we really do love Him and are willing to do more than just talk about it. We are willing to live it. This was my opportunity. In the midst of the temptation, I had the chance to do show God I love Him by my actions.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it. - 1 Corinthians 10:13.

I told the lady she had given me too much money, handed her the $5 back, and she thanked me. As Isaiah and I pulled up to the next window, we discussed how that keeping that money really would have been stealing. Thanks God, for that opportunity.

In Christ,
jon walton
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