Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Would You Do If You Knew God Was With You? (Part 2)

Have you ever been given a task that was so big you thought it would be impossible to accomplish? In the Old Testament, Joshua (The successor to Moses as leader of the Israelites) was given a task by God that seemed overwhelming. He was to lead the Israelites to war against giants, walled cities, and fierce warriors. Can you imagine?

The other part of this, is God didn't show up and do everything for Joshua. Joshua had to go into these places and fight the battles. He had to destroy the villages and towns. It wasn't easy.

Yet in the midst of all this, God was with Joshua. God provided miracles to help Joshua accomplish the task assigned to him. It wasn't easy, but Joshua succeed. How? He KNEW God was with him.

Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9

He was told this 7 times, 3 times by Moses and 4 times by the LORD. Joshua had seen God be with Moses through all the hard tasks Moses had to do. Joshua had faith that God would be with him as long as he was doing the task, no matter how difficult, God had given him.

What would you do if you KNEW God was with you? Would you take on the hard tasks? Do you want to know God is with you? Then do what Joshua did. Spend time with God and ask Him what task He has for you. When God tells you, be willing to do it, no matter how hard it may seem. Because if it is from God, He is with you, wherever you go.

In Christ,
jon walton

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