Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 4: Hard Work & Awesome Worship...

Sorry for the late blogging today, we have had a busy day. 

It started with us rising early to go to work at La Casa de Fe. Today was our first day of construction and as it does often here in Ecuador, it was raining. Hard. We walked there (1.5 miles) in the rain, then began work on various projects... In the rain. Some people were clearing pipe lines from overgrown weeds and grass, some people were cleaning out drainage lines that had gotten stopped up, some people were using shovels and rakes to level land, and some people were helping the teachers at the school to take down their classrooms. It was a hard morning of work, but the rain kept us cool.

After lunch, we had our first day of vbs with the kids. I gotta say, this team did an amazing job at the skit, singing songs in Spanish, playing games with the kids, and working on a craft with them. It was a super fun afternoon!

Lastly, we closed out the day by eating a meal with all the staff at La Casa de Fe. This is volunteers from all over. That was good, but the real treat came afterwards. We all got together and had an amazing time of worship, singing songs and praising our One True King, Jesus. There are no words to express just how amazing this was! They are an amazing group of Christ followers and it was an honor to praise with them.

A couple more days of serving, then we will be heading back to the states. Thanks for all your prayers, as of tonight, everyone seems to be doing good, ankles are healing up and Chris is able to walk pretty well. Keep praying for us!

In Christ,
jon walton

P. S. I'm posting all the pics to my twitter feed. It's just way easier. You can see them by going to and searching for "youthpastorjon"

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