Monday, February 6, 2012

Taking Away The Comforts...

I changed the sheets on my bed this morning. It wasn't because they were dirty, or wore out, they just weren't comfortable. I have this thing with certain textures. A fuzzy blanket makes my skin crawl. Since my wife put these new sheets on the bed, I haven't sleep well. I finally couldn't take it anymore, and put our old (washed) sheets back on our bed. I expect to sleep well tonight!

I have a lot of "comforts" in my life. I have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. I like cold drinks, a tv for entertainment, and carpet in my house so I don't have to walk on cold floors. I don't really need any of this to survive, but it makes life easier. I count these all as blessings from God. But what would happen if all my "comforts" were taken away? Would I still like my home like I do now? Would I be content in the summer? Winter? When I wanted to relax? When I was thirsty?

What about at church? If we didn't have a building to meet in, would we still come? If we didn't have air conditioning? Heat? Coffee? Coke? Snacks? A screen? What if it were like this?

"Oh God, forgive me for being so selfish. Forgive me for being too consumed with my comforts. Lead me to Your truth, even if it means taking away my comforts. Amen."

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