Someone recently asked me a question that I think everyone who has accepted Jesus as their Savior asks themselves at one point or another: Should I pray for myself? In fact, here is the exact question:
"I notice going thru storms I pray a lot for myself. Is that selfish and do I show a lack of faith when I pray for myself?"
The short answer is, no, it is not selfish in the least to pray for yourself, nor do you show a lack of faith. Let's look at Paul, I would think he was pretty strong in his faith.
Paul not only prayed for himself, but even asked others to pray for him. When Paul was given the thorn in his flesh, he says he pleaded with God three times to remove it. (2 Cor. 12:7-10) That sounds a lot like someone praying for help in a storm. There are also several times when Paul requests prayers for himself:
Romans 15:30; Ephesians 6:18-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2; 2 Corinthians 1:11; Colossians 4:2-4
So, does asking for prayer, or praying for yourself show a lack of faith? I would actually say the opposite. The fact that you are asking shows a GROWTH in faith! By asking for help in your time of need, you are telling Jesus "I trust You." You are casting your cares on Him, and imploring Him to be your source of strength. No, by asking for Christ's help you are not in any way showing a lack of faith.
Maybe the most telling truth that we SHOULD pray for ourselves is the fact that Jesus Christ, who we are following, prayed for Himself. Just before his crucifixion, He prayed that God would take the cup from Him if possible. (Luke 22:39-44) But as He prayed, He became more in anguish and prayed even harder. I would think that Jesus, knowing what He was about to face, was praying for courage, strength, and the will to follow through with such an incredible task. If our Lord saw it fit to pray for Himself, shouldn't we?
In Christ,
jon walton
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