Friday, February 8, 2013

Tired of All the Poop...

I have an awesome baby sitter. She is reliable, trustworthy, and truly cares for the well being of my kids. It helps a lot that she is my mother-in-law as well. I can almost always depend on her to watch the kids while Missy and I work. However, for the past two weeks she has been out of town. My wife is a school teacher, so I have been home watching our two children both under two years old. It has been a great bonding time, but there have been some struggles, too.

One thing that I have to admit has gotten to me is all the dirty diapers. Both kids have had no problems with their bowel movements. In fact, sometimes one child has had four in one day. FOUR! I mean, how is it possible for one child to produce that much poop in one day? Just a reminder, I have two. So, while changing a diaper that had a stench possible of burning nose hairs and in quantity too great to go into detail about without being incredibly discussing, I exclaimed to one of the children, “I’m really tired of all the poop.” I change a diaper only to turn around and change another. And another. And another. And…..well, you get the picture.

It was at that moment that Jesus reminded me that He does the same thing for me. How many times do I make a mess of things only to have Jesus come and clean it up. Sometimes things get messy and its completely my fault. Other times, there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. But no matter the cause, Jesus is always there. He always helps me clean up the poop.

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. – Psalm 121:2


In Christ,

jon walton

Tired of All the Poop...

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