Saturday, December 29, 2012

What Will You Do This Year?

 New Year’s resolutions. Let’s face it, they have become a joke. Some people even laugh as they say, “I resolve to watch less tb this year.” or ” I think I’ll be more responsible this year.” One of my favorites, ”This year I’m going to loose weight!” We say these things in passing and almost give them no thought what so ever. But, should it be that way?
Here’s what I mean. We are coming to the end of a year. It will never again be 2012. Is it really that bad of a thing to take an inventory of what we have done the past year and look at what we could do better? Have we gotten so comfortable in our failures that we can joke about them? I know there are lots of things I want to do better at. I want to be a better husband. I want to be a better father. Most of all, I want to serve God more. Can I really do those things without looking at how I am doing now and in the past and being purposeful in changing the way I am living?
So, here is my New Year’s Resolution: I want to be more in love with Jesus this next year than ever before. I want to be seeking Him and His will more than I did this year. I want to love the people around me more than I did this year. I want to love my family more than I did this year. Because I know I can always do better.
Teach me Your way, Yahweh,
and I will live by Your truth.
Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name.
I will praise You with all my heart, Lord my God,
and will honor Your name forever.
Psalm 86: 11, 12
What do you want to do this year? The real question is: What will you do this year?
In Christ,
jon walton

What Will You Do This Year?

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