Friday, October 29, 2010


We have a dog given to us from a great friend. The dog, Sister Rosemary, is a female Malta-poo. (Half Maltese, half Poodle.) She has turned out to be a great family pet. She is very loving, she doesn't mess in the house even when left for long periods of time, and she loves to play which is great for our son.
Rosy gets super excited when we come home. She is barking, wagging her tail, and there isn't a chance she will stop shaking for a good 10 minutes. As soon as we enter she is running, jumping, and doing everything she can to show us just how happy she is that we have come home.
At first this little display was a bit annoying, however after considering why she is doing what she is doing, it really is an honor. She is showing how happy she is to see us. Why? Because she loves us. She is looking forward to playing, getting petted, getting feed, in short: having all her needs met, both physical and emotional.
It made me think this morning, "If I believe Jesus can meet all my needs, both physical and emotional, am I as excited to meet with Jesus as Rosy is to meet with me?"

What about you? Are you excited to meet with Jesus? Excited enough to run around?

In Christ,
jon walton

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