Thursday, March 18, 2010

Because I Love You...

Last night when I got home, there was something waiting for me. A small envelope with no name on it, no markings, just a small, sealed, white envelope. "Your son said that is for you. He wouldn't let me open it." My wife informed me. I opened it to find that Isaiah had written my name, Jon, in scribbly, orange marker. I stood there holding this piece of printer paper with my name on it along with some other small marks. I almost cried.

The next morning I told Isaiah, "I got your note you left for me." His eyes lit up as he ran to the kitchen table. Grabbing the piece of paper he had written and left for me he exclaimed, "This is your name, dad. I wrote it for you because I love you!" I did cry. I bent down and hugged my son tightly. "I love you too, buddy." I muttered out between tears. I truly can not express how much that means to me. It is one thing for him to love me, but he takes it further. He allows his love for me to affect his actions. He does things for me because he loves me.

When is the last time you did something for Jesus just because you love Him? Do you realize it doesn't matter if it is a masterpiece or not? It doesn't have to be a painting of the Mona Lisa, your "scribble on a piece of paper" still shows you love Him.

"The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him." - John 14:21

"Thank You, Jesus, for my family."

In Christ,
jon walton

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