Thursday, March 18, 2010

Because I Love You...

Last night when I got home, there was something waiting for me. A small envelope with no name on it, no markings, just a small, sealed, white envelope. "Your son said that is for you. He wouldn't let me open it." My wife informed me. I opened it to find that Isaiah had written my name, Jon, in scribbly, orange marker. I stood there holding this piece of printer paper with my name on it along with some other small marks. I almost cried.

The next morning I told Isaiah, "I got your note you left for me." His eyes lit up as he ran to the kitchen table. Grabbing the piece of paper he had written and left for me he exclaimed, "This is your name, dad. I wrote it for you because I love you!" I did cry. I bent down and hugged my son tightly. "I love you too, buddy." I muttered out between tears. I truly can not express how much that means to me. It is one thing for him to love me, but he takes it further. He allows his love for me to affect his actions. He does things for me because he loves me.

When is the last time you did something for Jesus just because you love Him? Do you realize it doesn't matter if it is a masterpiece or not? It doesn't have to be a painting of the Mona Lisa, your "scribble on a piece of paper" still shows you love Him.

"The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him." - John 14:21

"Thank You, Jesus, for my family."

In Christ,
jon walton

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Growing a Beard...

I am growing a beard for our Easter Play. I have been growing it since February since my beard grows somewhat slow and I knew it would take some time if I wanted a good, full beard at the time of the the play, Easter Sunday. While it has been growing I have noticed some "stages" if you will of the process up to this point, can I share them with you?

Stage 1: The decision.
The reason here is important, though it may not seem like it until later on. The real focus at the time is that I have made a decision and I am sticking with it no matter what. Nothing can detour me as I embark on my endeavorer to change my appearance. I really have no idea what's in store.

Stage 2: Staying the course.
As my face began to get "scruffy," as my wife and son put it, I began to think about how nice it would be to shave it off. My wife didn't like that when I kissed her she had to endure the rough upper lip stubble. I looked like I just didn't care enough to take care of my self and look decent. However, I kept in mind my goal: To have a good, full beard by Easter. This is just a time that will pass.

Stage 3: Its getting more difficult, but encouragement helps.
As it turns from stubble into a light beard, something happens that I knew was coming. It was unavoidable. It began to itch like poison ivy had been smeared on my face then rubbed in with a wire brush. I was constantly scratching it. My wife asked me on several occasions, "Do you have fleas or something?" I was not amused. She reminded me as well that I looked like a bum. However, some other people commented on how good it looked and that it suited me well. Including my son who interrupted me suddenly once just to tell me, "DAD! I like your beard." "Thanks son, can I please finish ordering our supper now?" I wanted to shave it off so bad. I could hear my razor calling me every morning.

Stage 4: Maintenance.
The beard still itches and now it is long enough that the hair growing under my nose is constantly touching my upper lip and driving me crazy. I begin to trim it so it doesn't bother me as much. The wife has stopped telling people we are married for fear of embarrassment in public(not really, but I'm sure she thought about it). If I don't trim it and keep it up, it is going to look horrible. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, Easter is just a few weeks away...

Stage 5: Confidence.
After several weeks of growth, it finally no longer itches. I have gotten use to trimming it when needed and now even I am starting to think it looks ok. For some reason some people have an uncontrollable urge to touch or rub it. I'm pretty sure it doesn't give good luck, though some my be spreading that rumor. Please stop if you are.

You may be thinking that this is a lot of thought to put into growing a beard, but in actuality I thought of it because many go through the same stages when they accept Jesus as their Savior.

Stage 1: The decision.
The reason here is important, though it may not seem like it until later on. The real focus at the time is that I have made a decision and I am sticking with it no matter what. Nothing can detour me as I embark on my endeavorer to change everything about me. My life is in shambles and I needed someone to save me. Jesus, I am following and trusting You!

Stage 2: Staying the course.
As my life began to get "challenging," as my friends and pastor put it, I began to think about how nice it would be to just give up. Some of my friends don't like that I am not doing the same things I used to. They think I just don't care and call me "self righteous." However, I kept in mind my goal: To have a better life. To give honor to Jesus Christ and live with Him in Heaven one day. This is just a time that will pass.

Stage 3: Its getting more difficult, but encouragement helps.
As I follow Jesus more, something happens that I knew was coming. It was unavoidable. I began to be persecuted. I was constantly being ridiculed, or even hurt for my belief in Jesus Christ. I was told how stupid I am for beveling in such silly nonsense. However, some other people commented on how much I had changed and how much better my life was even though some things were difficult. Including my friends and family who had also accepted Jesus as their Savior because of the change in my life. I wanted to stop being a Christian sometimes, but the love of my new family drove me forward. I could hear my past calling me, but I know I can continue with Christ on my side.

Stage 4: Maintenance.
I have been following Jesus for some time now and my life has gotten busy. I tend to neglect my quiet times with Jesus, I haven't read my Bible in a while, and I have missed meeting with other Christians from time to time. Its time I did some upkeep on my spiritual life. If I don't, it is going to get forgotten and forsaken. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, because of what Jesus did for me... and because I love Him.

Stage 5: Confidence.
After many days of prayer, reading my Bible, and spending time with Jesus, I am ready for whatever is next. I am not perfect, but I know I belong to Jesus who will testify to God on my behalf. I am confidant He is the only way to Salvation. Things may get difficult again, but I will trust in the Lord. I can't wait to get to Heaven!

What stage are you in?

In Christ,
jon walton

P.S. I know this isn't the same for everyone, just for some.