There is always an adjustment period when coming back from a mission trip. Going from working hard each day and knowing what you are doing every day is serving God to a "normal" routine can be difficult. In fact, it can be down right depressing. It's easy to get caught up in the busy lifestyle we live as citizens of the United States. But when you have experienced something different, (and better in my opinion) getting back into the swing of things takes some time. This time back has been more difficult for me.
I get tired of all the "extras" we so quickly put in our lives thinking they are so vitally important. Sports for our kids, get together parties, activity after activity that fill up our time. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying these things are sin, but there is no doubt that they add extra stress and take up time that could be devoted elsewhere.
In the midst of all this, God has reminded me of something that has helped me readjust. "Tranquilo." Which is Spanish for "chill," or "relax." It's what we said to each other anytime things didn't go according to plan in Ecuador. (which happens quite often on a mission trip.) It's a good reminder that I can trust that Jesus is still in control, even in my busy schedule. That it will be ok.
Maybe I need to look at my priorities in my life here in the states again and see if I need to drop some unnecessary stuff but if I trust in Jesus, He will show me what to keep and what to let go. He will do the same for anyone who seeks and puts their trust in Him.
In Christ,
jon walton
Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
One final, quick post. We have all made it home safely. Thanks for all the prayers thanks for all the thoughts. I'm going to spend some time with my family and go to bed.
We're Going Where?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
For the past few days we have been all hands on deck working on the school for the children at Casa de Fe. We have dug a 120 feet trench for electrical line. In the states, this would have taken 2 to 3 hours with some heavy equipment. However, here it is done by hand. That includes moving 100 pound rocks, swinging pick axes, and moving all the dirt by hand. Not an easy task, but when something needs to be done, God has bonded us together to get it done!
While some of us working on the trench, others were painting the school. Everything here is concrete and it all needs to be painted. There are lots of places to paint. Our team has done a great job painting lots of classrooms, hallways, and ceilings. It really looks great!
We have one more day in Shell then we head to Quito for our flight out. This will most likely be my last post until we get back to the states. Thanks again for all the prayers, donations, and help that have allowed us to have this incredible experience. We are setting dates for next year already. Yup, we are absolutely doing this again. Just let me know sometime if you are interested in going. I know I am already!
In Christ,
jon walton
P. S. here are some extra pics before I go...
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Baby Time...
Monday, August 6, 2012
Getting Ready to Paint...
Church was great yesterday! Dr. Steve did a great job preaching through 1 John 1 & 2. Thanks for praying for him. It was a pretty incredible experience. We have 5 different people groups there including us all worshiping and praising one amazing God. I am so thankful to have such an unique time with fellow believers.
I couldn't help but think of how amazing it will be when we get to heaven and there are thousands of people groups all worshiping my amazing Savior.
After that, we went back to Casa de Fe for our first 2 VBS classes. It was a lot of fun and a real challenge to get 40 kids involved in a skit, songs and a craft. But by the end we were all laughing and having a great time.
After we finished up the VBS, we headed up to the school to begin painting and installing toilets. We have a couple of painters on the team that got really excited when they found out that we are painting for our construction project.
I can't thank you all enough for all your prayers. Please pray for our group and our patience with everything. The tiredness is beginning to set in and we still have several more days. Pray that we would continue to be effective for the ministry!
In Christ,
jon walton
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Buenos Dias!(Good Morning!) As they say in Ecuador. I had some time so I thought I would try to slip in a quick post about today. It is going to be a very exciting day for the team.
Today, we get the opportunity to go to a local church that natives started. If you know the story of Nate Saint, these are the descendants of the tribesmen that speared and killed him and the other missionaries. Dr. Steve tells me this new generation is on fire for Jesus Christ and I can't wait to see it. But we are also getting a special treat. We found out last night Dr. Steve has been asked to preach there this morning! Please pray for him as we had a very late night and a very early morning.
We had 3 very unique experiences yesterday due to a scheduling change. One thing about Ecuador, or any mission trip, is that things can change in an instant. We were suppose to have our first VBS class with the kids, but when we got to the orphanage, the tias (ladies who watch after the kids) had taken them all swimming down the road! So we took the afternoon off to go into Shell and see the town. I was carrying my guitar as I needed to take it back to the guest house. While approaching a store, and elderly gentleman was waving me down. He motioned for me to sit beside him and play. Being in a different country and not completely knowing everything about the culture, I took this as a "not optional" request. I sat and started playing the songs I had been working on in Spanish. "I have Decided to Follow Jesus," "Lord I Lift Your Name on High," and "I've Got That Joy Down In My Heart." He sat listing and singing what he could. But then crowd started to gather around! He asked for more so I started playing and singing in English. One younger fellow came up and told us about how his church played and sang contemporary Christian music. It was really cool.
The second experience was pretty awesome, too. As we were walking back to the Guesthouse, we saw a local youth group out singing. They invited us in ans we worshiped with them for a short while. We could recognize the songs, like "God of Wonders" and started singing in English with them as they sang in Spanish.Two groups of people singing in two different languages worshiping the same God. Amazing.
Lastly, after leaving the youth group and only a few steps down the road, an elderly lady stopped us to witness to us! She sang songs to us about the love of God and even prayed with us. It was so cool.
Well, Its almost time to leave for church. Thanks again for all your prayers! I really hope you can come experience this with us next year!
In Christ,
jon walton
Today, we get the opportunity to go to a local church that natives started. If you know the story of Nate Saint, these are the descendants of the tribesmen that speared and killed him and the other missionaries. Dr. Steve tells me this new generation is on fire for Jesus Christ and I can't wait to see it. But we are also getting a special treat. We found out last night Dr. Steve has been asked to preach there this morning! Please pray for him as we had a very late night and a very early morning.
We had 3 very unique experiences yesterday due to a scheduling change. One thing about Ecuador, or any mission trip, is that things can change in an instant. We were suppose to have our first VBS class with the kids, but when we got to the orphanage, the tias (ladies who watch after the kids) had taken them all swimming down the road! So we took the afternoon off to go into Shell and see the town. I was carrying my guitar as I needed to take it back to the guest house. While approaching a store, and elderly gentleman was waving me down. He motioned for me to sit beside him and play. Being in a different country and not completely knowing everything about the culture, I took this as a "not optional" request. I sat and started playing the songs I had been working on in Spanish. "I have Decided to Follow Jesus," "Lord I Lift Your Name on High," and "I've Got That Joy Down In My Heart." He sat listing and singing what he could. But then crowd started to gather around! He asked for more so I started playing and singing in English. One younger fellow came up and told us about how his church played and sang contemporary Christian music. It was really cool.
The second experience was pretty awesome, too. As we were walking back to the Guesthouse, we saw a local youth group out singing. They invited us in ans we worshiped with them for a short while. We could recognize the songs, like "God of Wonders" and started singing in English with them as they sang in Spanish.Two groups of people singing in two different languages worshiping the same God. Amazing.
Lastly, after leaving the youth group and only a few steps down the road, an elderly lady stopped us to witness to us! She sang songs to us about the love of God and even prayed with us. It was so cool.
Well, Its almost time to leave for church. Thanks again for all your prayers! I really hope you can come experience this with us next year!
In Christ,
jon walton
Saturday, August 4, 2012
To the Zoo!
Friday, August 3, 2012
We have all made it safely to Shell! Everyone is doing well, no sickness apart from a little motion sickness on the bus ride over.
It is such a wonderful feeling to be back here. For those of us returning, it is almost like coming home. We are super excited! We got to see some of the kids at Casa de Fe. They have grown so much!
We also got to see the school we worked on last year. It is almost complete! We will be working on painting the school and moving in furniture to get it ready for the school year.

Pray or us as some are walking and doing much more than we are accustomed to. Pray for God's strength and His guidance for us to be obedient even in situations where we are out of our element. Thanks so much!
In Christ,
jon walton
It is such a wonderful feeling to be back here. For those of us returning, it is almost like coming home. We are super excited! We got to see some of the kids at Casa de Fe. They have grown so much!
We also got to see the school we worked on last year. It is almost complete! We will be working on painting the school and moving in furniture to get it ready for the school year.
Pray or us as some are walking and doing much more than we are accustomed to. Pray for God's strength and His guidance for us to be obedient even in situations where we are out of our element. Thanks so much!
In Christ,
jon walton
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Heading out...
15 people are en route to Knoxville, TN to board a plane to Atlanta, GA. From there, we will get on a plane to Quito, Ecuador, then on to Shell to work in an orphanage for special needs children.
I can't fully express the joy of getting to go back and serve these wonderful children who wouldn't have a chance without God moving people to start this orphanage. The feeling of getting to see people I met last year, seeing the progress on the school, and working with the construction workers is almost overwhelming.
For some, this will be their first mission trip, time flying, or time out of the country. I can't wait to see what God does in them as well as how God will use them to minister to others.
Please keep us in your prayers and check back all week for updates!
In Christ,
jon walton
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