A few years ago Isaiah, my son, was doing something (what escapes me at the moment) started to fall and I caught him. "I almost got hurt!" he exclaimed. "It's ok, I got you buddy." I reassured him. The next words out of his mouth took my breath away. "You're my hero!" It was all I could do then not to cry. It was a moment with my son I have cherished for years. But that memory changed recently.
I was thinking about that moment and Isaiah was nearby. I asked if he remembered it. He said he didn't but laughed at the story as I recanted it. I asked him, "Am I still your hero?" He somewhat hesitantly replied, "Well, not anymore. I still love you, but you aren't my hero anymore." My heart sank. I had dreaded this day. The day when I am no longer "cool" to him. The day he finds other things more important. The day I am no longer his "hero." Fighting back tears, I asked him, "Who's your hero now?" I was expecting Batman, Spiderman, or Iron Man as those are his three go to super heroes, but the answer I got blew me away.
"God." He said confidently.
How do you argue with that? My heart went from broken to overjoyed. I think this is exactly what Jesus meant when He said:
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be My disciple. - Luke 14:26
Fathers, teach your children to love God first. That is the only hero you will be glad they choose over you.
In Christ,
jon walton