Friday, September 23, 2011


I usually like to use this space to send an encouraging word or thought provoking message. Something that would either brighten your day, or cause you to think about your relationship with Jesus Christ. But today I am doing something different. I'm asking you to pray.

Nicole, a girl in the youth group I am privileged to shepherd, has been sick for over 2 months now. She has been to doctors, specialists, chiropractors, and many others and no one can seem to pinpoint exactly what is going on. I have seen her suffer the entire time with severe headaches, joint pain, hot flashes, weakness, and extreme fatigue. This is incredibly difficult for me who thinks of her as a daughter, but for her actual parents, brother, and grandparents, this entire ordeal has been just draining.

So I am asking you please, pray and pass this on to get more people praying. I have seen how powerful prayer is first hand with my wife and son.

The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will restore him to health; (James 5:15a HCSB)

In Christ,
jon walton

Friday, September 2, 2011

You Stink...

I was driving up my driveway to my house the other day and Rosemary, my indoor dog, ran to the truck as I was pulling in. When Rosemary is outside and my wife is coming home, she lets Rosemary ride with her to the house. So, in like manner I opened my truck door and said, "Come on, Rosey." Excitedly, she wagged her tail, squatted down, and leaped into my lap. I almost got sick. "Rosey! You stink!" I shouted as the distinct smell of a dead animal filled my nostrils. One of my outdoor dogs had killed a opossum and brought her trophy to the front yard. Apparently, Rosemary had came to it and decided to roll in it. And now, she was in my lap in a confined space, the cab of my truck.

This is how sin affects our lives. For Rosemary, it was fun to roll in that dead animal. Why? I really have no idea. For some reason, it must be enjoyable to her. It is the same reason why people continue in some sin. It is enjoyable for a time. However, just as Rosemary stunk to high heaven, sin leave a foul odor on us. The guilt and shame of it can linger with us for quite a while. When other people find out about it, it is repulsive to them. Just like a dog who has rolled in a dead animal, everyone can tell what we have been doing. As soon as I brought Rosemary in the house, my wife could tell what the dog had done.

Rosemary needed a bath. Quickly. So do we when we sin. We need to get the stench off of us. How? By asking for forgiveness from God and repenting(that means turning away from) of our sin. After I gave Rosemary a bath she was playful, smelled good, and got attention and love. The same it true for us. When we repent, God heals us. He removes the smell of sin and replaces it with a pleasing aroma. This is evident in our lives.

Therefore repent and turn back, that your sins may be wiped out so that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. - Acts 3:19

In Christ,
jon walton
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