I get a lot of videos sent to me from friends. Most of them are pretty funny. I got this one sent to me as a joke.
Now, when I watched this I had mixed emotions. I did find it funny, but also a little offensive. Partly because I meet in a contemporary church, but I think more so because they are attacking the integrity of any church. I've seen it the other way around, too. People making fun of organs, pews, or the traditional style. It just bugs me to see that from either side. It did get me thinking though.
Its easy to make fun of something you don't like. You can find all kinds of things you see as silly and blow them out of proportion. You can find lots of things that are different from the way you think it should be. You can easily overlook any good whatever you're looking at is doing. Its easy to make fun of something you don't like or someone who doesn't like you.
Its not easy to do this:
"But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."Luke 6:27-28
I have a question: What would it look like if we put aside our petty "I like that" and "I don't like that" mentality and focused on doing what we should as individuals living for Jesus Christ?
In Christ,
jon walton