Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm Sorry...

If we are not careful, any of us can become ensnared by the enemy’s traps. They are not always so noticeable. Satan is tricky and would love nothing more than to trick you into your own destruction, even if on a small, temporary level. He knows our weaknesses, he knows how to hit us, and he is waiting to catch us off guard. It can happen to anyone.

I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately. I can’t disclose it all, but there has been an exorbitant amount on my plate. I have lots of great, Godly friends I can turn to, but to be honest I sometimes really stink at that. I tend to try and do it all on my own. (Just for the record, that is never a good idea.) In trying to take care of it all, I had unknowingly began to slowly change my attitude. I had become short with people, taken things the wrong way, and just gotten to be a jerk of a person to be around. Its not a good place to be.

However, what was coming next was an even more uncomfortable place. I got convicted by Jesus durning prayer, then confirmed of my state by a friend. This triggered the next step which usually comes easy for me, but this time was very difficult. I needed to ask forgiveness from some people and say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” Yet in all of this, God blessed me.

I was making my final apology to a close friend. Someone who I had been close to. A prayer partner that I respect greatly. It was because of this respect that it made it so much harder to say, “I’m sorry.” I respected them so much, yet I knew over the past month I had been disrespectful. Those are always the hardest. I waited for a good moment, then began to ask for forgiveness. I told them the reasons I had been stressed, why I had acted the way I had, but also made it clear that I had no excuse to be disrespectful. I couldn’t even look at them during the apology. I just looked down at the computer I was standing at, fiddling with the mouse pad. Then I finally mustered up the words, “I’m sorry.” Then I just stood there with my head hung low and waited for it. You know the feeling. Waiting for what I deserved. All the “I told you so” and “You know better,” but God blessed me with this person. I heard words I didn’t expect. “Jon, you have such great potential. We all do. Don’t let the little things be the big things that distract you from doing God’s work. Everything’s good. We’re good.”

And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. – Eph. 4:32

Remember that. Be kind and forgiving to those who ask forgiveness. Because sometime very soon, you will be the one asking for forgiveness.

In Christ,

jon walton


P.S. To the person whom I asked forgiveness and you chose to give me encouragement instead of condemnation, thank you so much.

I'm Sorry...