Thursday, December 31, 2009

Its Tradition...

Have you ever stopped and wondered why we do some of the things we do? There are many things we do just because we have always done them. Like black eyed peas and hog jaw on New Year's Day. I don't know why, but I can remember growing up we always had that for supper on New Year's day. I still don't know why, maybe someone can educate me as to why that is the meal to eat on that day.

In our society we have lots of things like that. Think about it, Turkey and dressing on Thanksgiving, singing carols at Christmas, giving candy and flowers on Valentine's Day, and watching fireworks at the Independence Day just to name a few. Those are all pretty well known traditions, but we all have tons of our own. For example, Missy, Isaiah and I always celebrate Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve, and with her side of the family on Christmas day. At my family reunion each year in June, we will play guitar and sing old hymns. Every year at midnight on New Years Eve for the past 11 years I have kissed my wife. But have you ever wondered, "Why?" All these traditions are actually quite special. They are there usually to help us remember certain things. Like how the pilgrims and Native Americans made peace, how Jesus came from Heaven to become God with us, how a bishop helped two lovers by exchanging gifts between them, or how we celebrated becoming a nation. For our personal traditions, they hold a special meaning, too. Like how we would celebrate Christmas with my grandparents on Christmas Eve, how my Uncle and grandmother would always want to sing hymns at the family reunion, and how I promised my wife that I would only kiss her on New Years Eve till death do us part.

Jesus understood this. He knew at the last supper, the last meal He would share with His closest friends, that He wanted not only them, but everyone to remember who He is and what He was doing.

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: on the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said, "This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me."

In the same way He also took the cup, after supper, and said,
"This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

May God bless you in this new year. May you seek Him more each day, and may you find what you seek.

In Christ,
jon walton

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

From all of us, Missy, Isaiah, and myself, Merry Christmas. May you and your family be blessed this year. May you grow closer to Jesus in your everyday life. May you seek the Lord's will and find the adventure He has for you. May you bless others with your abundance. May you be given a heart of love for those who surround you and those who have less than you. May you represent Christ Jesus in your actions, words, and thoughts. May you remember why those who believe on the Lord celebrate this time of year. May you praise the name of Jesus!

In Christ,
jon walton

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Little Eyes Are Watching...

If you have met me, ever read this blog, or heard me speak you know that I have a 5 year old son named Isaiah. You would also know that I love him dearly. He is starting to do some new things that make me really happy. For example, a few Sundays ago, he came to me with his face just beaming with joy. As he approached me he said, "Look Dad! I'm dressed just like you!" Then he noticed that his shirt was tucked in and mine wasn't. As quick as he could he untucked his shirt(to his mother's joy I'm sure) and stated, "NOW I'm dressed JUST like you!" How can you not hug him after that? Someone not long ago pointed out something about Isaiah as well. As he was following me down the isle for KidStuf one Sunday morning, I heard someone behind us laughing. I turned around and asked what was so funny. The lady said through her laughter, "He walks just like you!" I didn't even know I had a specific walk.

I notice it in his actions, too. Many times he will ask me, "Dad, what are you eating for supper? I want that, too!" Or, "Dad, can I play my guitar with you?" My interests are becoming his interests. He wants to do the things I want to do. He is watching my every move and copying me. Whether he likes it or not, he is becoming like me.

Fathers and sons tend to do that. That is probably why Jesus used terms people were familiar with. Jesus was(is) just like God. In fact, the way they act, talk, and the things they do are almost identical. Much like a Son imitating his father.

Then Jesus replied, "I assure you: The Son is not able to do anything on His own, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son also does these things in the same way."
John 15:9

If you want to know what God is like, look at the life of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. Look at his life from humble birth in a manger to the resurrection from the tomb, He is just like His father.

In Christ,
jon walton